Emergent Mind


Understanding spatial location and relationships is a fundamental capability for modern artificial intelligence systems. Insights from human spatial cognition provide valuable guidance in this domain. Recent neuroscientific discoveries have highlighted the role of grid cells as a fundamental neural component for spatial representation, including distance computation, path integration, and scale discernment. In this paper, we introduce a novel positional encoding scheme inspired by Fourier analysis and the latest findings in computational neuroscience regarding grid cells. Assuming that grid cells encode spatial position through a summation of Fourier basis functions, we demonstrate the translational invariance of the grid representation during inner product calculations. Additionally, we derive an optimal grid scale ratio for multi-dimensional Euclidean spaces based on principles of biological efficiency. Utilizing these computational principles, we have developed a Grid-cell inspired Positional Encoding technique, termed GridPE, for encoding locations within high-dimensional spaces. We integrated GridPE into the Pyramid Vision Transformer architecture. Our theoretical analysis shows that GridPE provides a unifying framework for positional encoding in arbitrary high-dimensional spaces. Experimental results demonstrate that GridPE significantly enhances the performance of transformers, underscoring the importance of incorporating neuroscientific insights into the design of artificial intelligence systems.

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