Emergent Mind

Neural Visibility Field for Uncertainty-Driven Active Mapping

Published Jun 11, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.RO


This paper presents Neural Visibility Field (NVF), a novel uncertainty quantification method for Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) applied to active mapping. Our key insight is that regions not visible in the training views lead to inherently unreliable color predictions by NeRF at this region, resulting in increased uncertainty in the synthesized views. To address this, we propose to use Bayesian Networks to composite position-based field uncertainty into ray-based uncertainty in camera observations. Consequently, NVF naturally assigns higher uncertainty to unobserved regions, aiding robots to select the most informative next viewpoints. Extensive evaluations show that NVF excels not only in uncertainty quantification but also in scene reconstruction for active mapping, outperforming existing methods.

Neural Visibility Field (NVF) improves uncertainty estimation and active mapping in NeRF by accounting for visibility.


  • The paper introduces Neural Visibility Field (NVF), an advanced method for quantifying uncertainty in Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) for active mapping tasks, integrating visibility into the uncertainty framework.

  • NVF employs a Bayesian Network for volume rendering, yielding a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) for observed color distributions and extends NeRF to include visibility and variance estimates for improved accuracy in predictions.

  • Through extensive evaluations, NVF demonstrates superior performance in reconstruction quality and scene coverage, effectively guiding Next-Best-View (NBV) planning based on entropy to maximize information gain in active mapping.

Neural Visibility Field for Uncertainty-Driven Active Mapping


The paper "Neural Visibility Field for Uncertainty-Driven Active Mapping" presents Neural Visibility Field (NVF), a novel method focusing on uncertainty quantification for Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) applied to active mapping tasks. NeRF has demonstrated pronounced success in high-quality 3D scene reconstruction from minimal data, yet, its inherent opaqueness limits accurate uncertainty estimation, a critical aspect for applications in active mapping where robots and agents must select the most informative viewpoints for further action. NVF introduces a rigorous approach that incorporates visibility into the uncertainty estimation framework, significantly improving the performance of active mapping tasks compared to existing methodologies.

Key Contributions

  1. Principled Uncertainty Estimation with Visibility: NVF proposes a method that estimates uncertainty by considering not just the position-based uncertainty but also the visibility of a point. This innovation lies in recognizing that points not visible in training views inherently yield unreliable NeRF predictions, necessitating the integration of visibility into the uncertainty framework.

  2. Bayesian Network for Volume Rendering: NVF models the volume rendering process as a Bayesian Network, effectively incorporating position-based uncertainties and yielding a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) for the distribution of observed colors along a ray. This rigorous formulation allows for better theoretical grounding and empirical performance in uncertainty estimation.

  3. Enhanced NeRF with Visibility and Variance Heads: The proposed NVF model extends the existing NeRF architecture to produce not only density and color predictions but also visibility and variance estimates for reconstructed points. This enhancement ensures the model robustly captures the inherent uncertainties in novel view synthesis tasks.

  4. Active Mapping Integration: NVF utilizes the entropy of the proposed GMM to guide Next-Best-View (NBV) planning in active mapping. This strategy ensures that the robot selects viewpoints that maximize information gain, enhancing the overall reconstruction quality and scene coverage.

Experimental Validation

NVF's efficacy is substantiated through exhaustive evaluations across several simulated environments, including complex synthetic scenarios. Notable findings include:

  • Hubble Scene: NVF significantly outperforms baseline methods in distinguishing between observed and unobserved regions, assigning higher uncertainty to the latter, which previous methods failed to discern effectively.

  • NeRF Assets and Room Scene: The results reveal superior reconstruction quality and scene coverage. NVF's performance, evidenced by metrics such as PSNR, SSIM, LPIPS, and visual coverage, underscores its robust capability in complex active mapping scenarios.

Implications and Future Work

Theoretical Implications: NVF provides a comprehensive framework that generalizes and subsumes previous methods in a theoretically principled manner. By incorporating visibility into the probabilistic formulation of uncertainty, NVF addresses a critical gap in prior research, underpinning a unified approach that can be adapted for various related tasks in autonomous systems and robotics.

Practical Implications: The improved uncertainty estimation directly impacts the practical deployment of active mapping systems. Robots equipped with NVF can more effectively navigate and reconstruct unknown environments, reducing the number of required observations, thereby enhancing efficiency and reducing computational costs.

Future Directions: The current NVF implementation does not account for trajectory constraints in the planned path of the agent, presenting a potential avenue for future research. Integrating NVF with cost-aware path planning algorithms could further enhance the applicability of these methods in real-world autonomous navigation and mapping scenarios.


The Neural Visibility Field presents a substantial advancement in the domain of uncertainty estimation for NeRF applied to active mapping. By integrating visibility into a rigorously defined probabilistic framework, NVF enables the selection of highly informative viewpoints, resulting in superior scene reconstruction and coverage. This methodology not only underscores the significance of visibility in uncertainty quantification but also sets a new standard for future research and development in active mapping and autonomous systems.

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