Emergent Mind

PLUM: Preference Learning Plus Test Cases Yields Better Code Language Models

Published Jun 11, 2024 in cs.CL , cs.AI , cs.LG , cs.PL , and cs.SE


Instruction-finetuned code language models (LMs) have shown promise in various programming tasks. They are trained, using a language modeling objective, on natural language instructions and gold code snippet pairs. Recent evidence suggests that these models, never exposed to incorrect solutions during training, often struggle to distinguish between correct and incorrect solutions. This observation raises our inquiry: Can preference learning, which trains models to prefer correct solutions over incorrect ones, help push the boundaries of code LMs even further? We propose PLUM, a novel \textbf{p}reference \textbf{l}earning framework a\textbf{u}gmented with test cases tailored for code L\textbf{M}s.PLUM aims to investigate the key success factors and potential benefits of preference learning in code LMs, which remain elusive despite its success in aligning LMs with human values. PLUM consists of three stages: (1) Generating test cases for natural language instructions, (2) sampling candidate solutions from the policy and evaluating them against the test cases to create a preference dataset, which is then used to (3) train the policy with a preference learning algorithm. Experiments demonstrate that PLUM substantially improves the performance of existing code LMs on established code generation benchmarks such as HumanEval (+) and MBPP (+), even for the state-of-the-art open-source language model CodeQwen-1.5-7B-Chat. PLUM complements the supervised fine-tuning (SFT) stage, demonstrating synergistic effects.

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