Emergent Mind

Adapters Strike Back

Published Jun 10, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.LG


Adapters provide an efficient and lightweight mechanism for adapting trained transformer models to a variety of different tasks. However, they have often been found to be outperformed by other adaptation mechanisms, including low-rank adaptation. In this paper, we provide an in-depth study of adapters, their internal structure, as well as various implementation choices. We uncover pitfalls for using adapters and suggest a concrete, improved adapter architecture, called Adapter+, that not only outperforms previous adapter implementations but surpasses a number of other, more complex adaptation mechanisms in several challenging settings. Despite this, our suggested adapter is highly robust and, unlike previous work, requires little to no manual intervention when addressing a novel scenario. Adapter+ reaches state-of-the-art average accuracy on the VTAB benchmark, even without a per-task hyperparameter optimization.

Inner structure of the studied material.


  • The paper 'Adapters Strike Back' conducts a comprehensive study on using adapters in Vision Transformers (ViTs), contrasting them with other adaptation methods and proposing enhancements.

  • The authors introduce Adapter+ — a Post-Adapter configuration with channel-wise learnable scaling, proven effective through systematic evaluations, including positions within transformer layers and initialization strategies.

  • Extensive benchmarking demonstrates Adapter+'s state-of-the-art performance on VTAB and FGVC datasets, achieving impressive accuracy without extensive retraining or storage requirements.

Adapters Strike Back: A Detailed Analysis


The paper "Adapters Strike Back" by Jan-Martin O. Steitz and Stefan Roth offers a comprehensive study on the use of adapters in Vision Transformers (ViTs). Adapters, small bottleneck modules, provide a parameter-efficient means to adapt pre-trained transformer models to various downstream tasks. Historically, adapters have been overshadowed by other adaptation methods such as low-rank adaptation, particularly in NLP and, more recently, in computer vision tasks. This paper re-evaluates adapters' effectiveness, proposing several enhancements that elevate their performance and solidify their competitive edge in the domain of Vision Transformers.

Methodological Contributions

The paper makes several significant contributions:

  1. Systematic Study of Adapter Configurations: The authors perform an in-depth and systematic evaluation of how adapters can be optimally used in ViTs. They explore different positions within the transformer layers (Pre, Post, Parallel, and Intermediate), various initialization strategies, and incorporate additional structural modifications such as channel-wise scaling.
  2. Proposition of Adapter+: Based on their findings, the authors propose Adapter+, which includes a Post-Adapter configuration combined with channel-wise, learnable scaling. This configuration not only surpasses existing adapter implementations but also outperforms more complex parameter-efficient adaptation mechanisms.
  3. Extensive Benchmarking: The efficacy of Adapter+ is validated across standard benchmarks such as VTAB (Visual Task Adaptation Benchmark) and FGVC (Fine-Grained Visual Classification). Adapter+ achieves state-of-the-art performance with substantial improvements in average accuracy on VTAB subgroups and competitive performance on FGVC datasets.

Results and Analysis

Adapter Position

The study reveals that adapters positioned at the Post-Adapter location yield the best overall performance. The systematic comparison shows that placing adapters after the feed-forward network (FFN) and adding a skip connection leads to superior results. The Post-Adapter configuration achieved an average accuracy of 76.0% across the VTAB subgroups, establishing it as the optimal placement.

Scaling and Initialization

The incorporation of channel-wise scaling significantly enhances the performance of adapters. This addition allows the adapter to learn more nuanced feature transformations, resulting in a gain of 0.5 percentage points (pp) in accuracy. The paper also evaluates various initialization strategies, concluding that the Houlsby initialization is optimal, providing a solid starting point that facilitates better optimization.

Benchmark Performance

Adapter+ demonstrates its strength through robust performance metrics:

  • VTAB: Adapter+ attains an average accuracy of 77.6% across various tasks without requiring per-task hyperparameter tuning. With hyperparameter optimization, this accuracy further improves to 77.9%.
  • FGVC: Adapter+ achieves an average accuracy of 90.7% on FGVC datasets, surpassing other methods and setting a new benchmark for parameter-efficient adaptation mechanisms.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

The implications of this research are manifold. Practically, Adapter+ offers a highly efficient means of adapting transformer models to new tasks without the need for extensive retraining or additional storage requirements. This efficiency is critical in scenarios requiring rapid deployment of models to novel tasks. Theoretically, the findings substantiate the viability of simplistic yet strategically placed and configured adapters in improving model performance, thereby challenging more complex and compute-intensive methods.

Future Developments

Future research could explore the generalizability of Adapter+ to other transformer-based models and domains. While the focus was primarily on vision transformers, similar configurations could potentially benefit NLP and multimodal transformers. Additionally, the integration of Adapter+ with recent advancements in unsupervised and self-supervised learning could further enhance its adaptability and robustness.


"Adapters Strike Back" makes a compelling case for re-evaluating and optimizing the use of adapters in vision transformers. Through rigorous analytical methods and comprehensive benchmarking, Adapter+ emerges as a state-of-the-art method for parameter-efficient fine-tuning, offering both high accuracy and robustness across diverse tasks. This study not only revitalizes the concept of adapters but also sets a new standard for future research in model adaptation and fine-tuning practices.

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