Emergent Mind


Digital mammography is essential to breast cancer detection, and deep learning offers promising tools for faster and more accurate mammogram analysis. In radiology and other high-stakes environments, uninterpretable ("black box") deep learning models are unsuitable and there is a call in these fields to make interpretable models. Recent work in interpretable computer vision provides transparency to these formerly black boxes by utilizing prototypes for case-based explanations, achieving high accuracy in applications including mammography. However, these models struggle with precise feature localization, reasoning on large portions of an image when only a small part is relevant. This paper addresses this gap by proposing a novel multi-scale interpretable deep learning model for mammographic mass margin classification. Our contribution not only offers an interpretable model with reasoning aligned with radiologist practices, but also provides a general architecture for computer vision with user-configurable prototypes from coarse- to fine-grained prototypes.

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