Emergent Mind

Tx-LLM: A Large Language Model for Therapeutics

Published Jun 10, 2024 in cs.CL , cs.AI , cs.CE , and cs.LG


Developing therapeutics is a lengthy and expensive process that requires the satisfaction of many different criteria, and AI models capable of expediting the process would be invaluable. However, the majority of current AI approaches address only a narrowly defined set of tasks, often circumscribed within a particular domain. To bridge this gap, we introduce Tx-LLM, a generalist LLM fine-tuned from PaLM-2 which encodes knowledge about diverse therapeutic modalities. Tx-LLM is trained using a collection of 709 datasets that target 66 tasks spanning various stages of the drug discovery pipeline. Using a single set of weights, Tx-LLM simultaneously processes a wide variety of chemical or biological entities(small molecules, proteins, nucleic acids, cell lines, diseases) interleaved with free-text, allowing it to predict a broad range of associated properties, achieving competitive with state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on 43 out of 66 tasks and exceeding SOTA on 22. Among these, Tx-LLM is particularly powerful and exceeds best-in-class performance on average for tasks combining molecular SMILES representations with text such as cell line names or disease names, likely due to context learned during pretraining. We observe evidence of positive transfer between tasks with diverse drug types (e.g.,tasks involving small molecules and tasks involving proteins), and we study the impact of model size, domain finetuning, and prompting strategies on performance. We believe Tx-LLM represents an important step towards LLMs encoding biochemical knowledge and could have a future role as an end-to-end tool across the drug discovery development pipeline.

Tx-LLM overview: datasets inform drug discovery by predicting targets, efficacy, safety, and manufacturing ease.


  • Tx-LLM is a versatile large language model designed to streamline drug discovery and therapeutic development by integrating diverse datasets and tasks, demonstrating exceptional performance and positive transfer across multiple stages of the therapeutic pipeline.

  • The model excels in combining molecular SMILES representations with textual descriptors, achieving state-of-the-art performance on 43 out of 66 tasks and showing particular strength in predicting pharmacokinetic and toxicity properties.

  • Tx-LLM's success suggests a paradigm shift towards more holistic AI models in healthcare and biomedical research, highlighting its potential to replace multiple specialized models and to enhance predictive power through further scaling and finetuning.

Tx-LLM: An Expert Review

Tx-LLM is a sophisticated LLM designed to expedite the process of drug discovery and therapeutic development by integrating diverse datasets and tasks. The model, trained through finetuning from PaLM-2, addresses a notable gap in current AI methodologies, which tend to focus narrowly on specific tasks within isolated domains.

Overview of Methodology and Contributions

Tx-LLM performs a significant leap by integrating 709 datasets covering 66 tasks across various stages of the therapeutic development pipeline. This model is capable of processing a wide range of chemical and biological entities, including small molecules, proteins, nucleic acids, and more. The datasets span critical areas such as drug efficacy, safety, target prediction, and manufacturing feasibility. Using a unified set of weights, Tx-LLM achieves competitive, often state-of-the-art (SOTA), performance in the majority of the tasks and demonstrates exceptional results when predicting properties that combine molecular SMILES representations with textual descriptors like disease names or cell line names.

Key contributions of Tx-LLM include:

  1. Performance: Achieving SOTA or near-SOTA performance on 43 out of 66 tasks, with exceptional results in tasks involving combinations of molecular SMILES and text.
  2. Positive Transfer: Evidence of positive transfer between datasets involving diverse drug types, showing enhanced performance on small molecule datasets when the model is trained on both biological sequences and chemical data.
  3. Model Size and Strategy: Observations regarding the impact of model scale, finetuning, and prompting strategies on performance through comprehensive ablation studies.

Strong Numerical Results

The numerical results from Tx-LLM are compelling. For example, the model outperforms SOTA on 22 tasks, including 11 in the ADMET benchmark group, which evaluates key pharmacokinetic and toxicity properties necessary for drug development. The ability to perform above SOTA in tasks combining SMILES strings and textual representations, such as predicting clinical trial outcomes, underscores the importance of LLMs' capability to contextualize and utilize learned knowledge from pretraining effectively.

Implications for Therapeutic Development

Practical Implications

Tx-LLM's broad applicability across various stages of drug development suggests its potential as a comprehensive tool for streamlining the therapeutic pipeline. By integrating predictions from early-stage target discovery to late-stage clinical trial approvals, Tx-LLM can potentially reduce both time and financial investments necessary for therapeutic development. The model's ability to perform end-to-end tasks opens avenues for employing a single AI system in place of multiple specialized models, thus simplifying the workflow.

Theoretical Implications

From a theoretical standpoint, the success of Tx-LLM in demonstrating positive transfer across diverse datasets suggests that LLMs can effectively integrate multi-domain knowledge. This capability is particularly crucial in drug discovery, where understanding interactions across different biological entities often requires assembling and synthesizing complex interconnected data. The ability of Tx-LLM to handle both chemical and biological sequences effectively suggests a paradigm shift towards more holistic AI models in healthcare and biomedical research.

Speculation on Future Developments

Looking forward, Tx-LLM may pave the way for more integrated AI models in drug discovery. The promising results suggest that further scaling of the model and additional finetuning, particularly in synergistic domains such as structural biology and bioinformatics, could enhance its predictive power. Additionally, the incorporation of specialized domain knowledge through advanced finetuning strategies, such as those used in the Gemini family of models, may further augment Tx-LLM's capabilities.

Moreover, the development of LLMs that can explain their predictions in natural language will be a critical next step. This could involve additional instruction-tuning to ensure that Tx-LLM not only makes accurate predictions but also provides rationales for its outputs, thereby increasing transparency and trust.


Tx-LLM represents a substantial step towards creating a versatile and efficient large language model capable of addressing numerous facets of therapeutic development. While further validation and enhancements are needed, the current results highlight Tx-LLM's potential to serve as an integral tool in the drug discovery process. By providing competitive performance across a diverse range of tasks within the therapeutic pipeline, Tx-LLM paves the way for future AI developments that are increasingly comprehensive and contextually aware.

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