Emergent Mind

Vript: A Video Is Worth Thousands of Words

Published Jun 10, 2024 in cs.CV


Advancements in multimodal learning, particularly in video understanding and generation, require high-quality video-text datasets for improved model performance. Vript addresses this issue with a meticulously annotated corpus of 12K high-resolution videos, offering detailed, dense, and script-like captions for over 420K clips. Each clip has a caption of ~145 words, which is over 10x longer than most video-text datasets. Unlike captions only documenting static content in previous datasets, we enhance video captioning to video scripting by documenting not just the content, but also the camera operations, which include the shot types (medium shot, close-up, etc) and camera movements (panning, tilting, etc). By utilizing the Vript, we explore three training paradigms of aligning more text with the video modality rather than clip-caption pairs. This results in Vriptor, a top-performing video captioning model among open-source models, comparable to GPT-4V in performance. Vriptor is also a powerful model capable of end-to-end generation of dense and detailed captions for long videos. Moreover, we introduce Vript-Hard, a benchmark consisting of three video understanding tasks that are more challenging than existing benchmarks: Vript-HAL is the first benchmark evaluating action and object hallucinations in video LLMs, Vript-RR combines reasoning with retrieval resolving question ambiguity in long-video QAs, and Vript-ERO is a new task to evaluate the temporal understanding of events in long videos rather than actions in short videos in previous works. All code, models, and datasets are available in https://github.com/mutonix/Vript.

Comparison of Vript captions to LMMs, highlighting hallucination-laden captions in red from LLaVA.


  • The Vript dataset, including 12K high-resolution videos annotated with detailed and dense captions, aims to overcome limitations in existing video captioning datasets.

  • The authors introduce the Vriptor model and three innovative training paradigms to enhance vision-language alignment and reduce hallucinations in video captioning.

  • The Vript-Hard benchmark evaluates the Vriptor model's performance in hallucination evaluation, retrieval and reasoning, and event re-ordering, demonstrating its superior capabilities.

Insights into "Vript: A Video Is Worth Thousands of Words"

The paper, "Vript: A Video Is Worth Thousands of Words," authored by Dongjie Yang, Suyuan Huang, Chengqiang Lu, Xiaodong Han, Haoxin Zhang, Yan Gao, Yao Hu, and Hai Zhao, presents significant contributions to the field of multimodal learning, particularly video understanding and generation. The cornerstone of this research is the creation of the Vript dataset, a high-quality video-text dataset designed to address existing limitations in video captioning datasets. This essay provides an in-depth analysis of the paper, highlighting its key innovations, strong numerical results, and future implications.

Dataset Composition and Innovations

The Vript dataset consists of 12K high-resolution videos meticulously annotated with approximately 420K clips, each associated with detailed, dense, and script-like captions. Each caption averages around 145 words, exceeding the length of captions in most existing datasets by more than a factor of ten. This is a notable advancement over datasets like WebVid-10M and Panda-70M, which provide short and often coarse-grained descriptions.

Key innovations in Vript include:

  1. Detailed Captions: Unlike traditional datasets that focus on static content, Vript's captions also document dynamic elements such as camera operations, shot types, and camera movements. This transforms video captioning into a more comprehensive video scripting process.
  2. Voice-over Integration: The annotations integrate transcriptions of voice-overs and video titles, reducing hallucinations and enriching the captions with context and accuracy.
  3. Sampling Strategy: The dataset employs systematic sampling of successive scenes to enhance the alignment of text with the video modality, leading to more detailed and accurate descriptions.

Training Paradigms and the Vriptor Model

The paper introduces three innovative training paradigms to improve vision-language alignment:

  1. Video-Script Alignment: By concatenating captions of successive scenes, the study aligns longer text segments with video clips, promoting more detailed and coherent video descriptions.
  2. Voice-over Transcription: Including voice-over transcriptions as input to the model ensures that more informational cues are incorporated into the descriptions, enhancing both precision and recall.
  3. Video Timestamps: Adding timestamps helps models maintain temporal awareness, improving the sequential understanding of scenes and reducing redundancy.

Using Vript, the authors trained the Vriptor model, a state-of-the-art video captioning model. Vriptor's performance is comparable to GPT-4V, especially in generating dense and detailed captions for both short and long videos. Evaluations on Vript-HAL and MSR-VTT demonstrate Vriptor's superior ability to generate detailed video descriptions with fewer hallucinations.

Vript-Hard Benchmark

To further evaluate video understanding capabilities, the authors introduce Vript-Hard, a benchmark that encompasses three challenging tasks:

  1. Vript-HAL (Hallucination Evaluation): This benchmark assesses both precision and recall in video-captioning models. Vript-HAL's detailed ground truth captions enable thorough evaluation of models' capabilities to avoid hallucinations.
  2. Vript-RR (Retrieval then Reasoning): Combining retrieval with reasoning, this task involves locating relevant scenes in long videos based on given hints and answering detailed questions about these scenes. This method mitigates the ambiguity issue prevalent in previous long video QA benchmarks.
  3. Vript-ERO (Event Re-ordering): Unlike existing temporal understanding benchmarks, Vript-ERO requires models to sequence events in long videos correctly, evaluating the models' capacity to understand and order temporally dispersed events.

Results and Implications

The paper provides compelling empirical results showcasing Vriptor's abilities:

  • Hallucination Reduction: Vriptor, especially when using the voice-over transcription paradigm, achieves high precision and recall in Vript-HAL, matching the performance of sophisticated models like GPT-4V.
  • Detail Retention: Vriptor maintains accuracy in scene-by-scene descriptions, providing more detailed narratives without sacrificing correctness.
  • Temporal Awareness: Using timestamps significantly enhances the contextual understanding in sequential tasks, such as event re-ordering in Vript-ERO.

Conclusion and Future Directions

The contributions of this paper present key advancements in video understanding and generation through the creation of the Vript dataset and the Vriptor model. The detailed annotations and innovative training paradigms offer new possibilities for more nuanced and accurate video-captioning models. The introduction of the Vript-Hard benchmark provides a robust framework for evaluating hallucination, reasoning, and temporal understanding capabilities in video LLMs.

Future research could explore additional modalities, such as integrating more sophisticated audio and textual analyses, to further enhance video understanding. Additionally, expanding the dataset with user-generated content from diverse sources could improve the generalizability and robustness of the models. The implications of this research are significant, offering promising directions for the development of more comprehensive and contextually aware multimodal AI systems.

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