Emergent Mind

WoCoCo: Learning Whole-Body Humanoid Control with Sequential Contacts

Published Jun 10, 2024 in cs.RO , cs.GR , cs.SY , and eess.SY


Humanoid activities involving sequential contacts are crucial for complex robotic interactions and operations in the real world and are traditionally solved by model-based motion planning, which is time-consuming and often relies on simplified dynamics models. Although model-free reinforcement learning (RL) has become a powerful tool for versatile and robust whole-body humanoid control, it still requires tedious task-specific tuning and state machine design and suffers from long-horizon exploration issues in tasks involving contact sequences. In this work, we propose WoCoCo (Whole-Body Control with Sequential Contacts), a unified framework to learn whole-body humanoid control with sequential contacts by naturally decomposing the tasks into separate contact stages. Such decomposition facilitates simple and general policy learning pipelines through task-agnostic reward and sim-to-real designs, requiring only one or two task-related terms to be specified for each task. We demonstrated that end-to-end RL-based controllers trained with WoCoCo enable four challenging whole-body humanoid tasks involving diverse contact sequences in the real world without any motion priors: 1) versatile parkour jumping, 2) box loco-manipulation, 3) dynamic clap-and-tap dancing, and 4) cliffside climbing. We further show that WoCoCo is a general framework beyond humanoid by applying it in 22-DoF dinosaur robot loco-manipulation tasks.

Overview of WoCoCo framework and its application to various challenging tasks with contact goals.


  • The paper introduces WoCoCo, a novel framework using model-free reinforcement learning (RL) to manage whole-body humanoid control in dynamic, contact-based tasks.

  • The framework decomposes tasks into contact stages, simplifying the policy learning process, and employs dense, stage count, and curiosity rewards to facilitate general policy learning and sim-to-real transfer.

  • WoCoCo is empirically validated through multiple challenging tasks, demonstrating robust and adaptable performance without reliance on task-specific designs or motion priors.

Essay on WoCoCo: Learning Whole-Body Humanoid Control with Sequential Contacts

In the realm of robotics, whole-body humanoid control presents considerable challenges due to the complexities inherent in sequential contact tasks. These tasks demand precise coordination of multiple contact points, often under dynamic conditions. The paper "WoCoCo: Learning Whole-Body Humanoid Control with Sequential Contacts" offers a novel approach to address these challenges, leveraging model-free reinforcement learning (RL) within a unified framework.

Problem Statement

Traditional methods for whole-body control of humanoids often employ model-based motion planning or trajectory optimization. These approaches, while effective in ideal scenarios, can be time-consuming and rely on simplified dynamic models. As a result, they may suffer from degraded performance when deployed in real-world environments. Model-free RL has emerged as a promising alternative due to its robustness against model mismatches and uncertainties. However, RL methods for tasks involving sequential contacts have faced significant hurdles, such as tedious task-specific tuning, state machine design, and challenges associated with long-horizon exploration.


The proposed framework, WoCoCo, aims to learn whole-body humanoid control by decomposing tasks into separate contact stages. This decomposition simplifies the policy learning process, facilitating general policy learning pipelines with task-agnostic reward structures and sim-to-real transfer designs. The framework introduces WoCoCo rewards, which are composed of dense contact rewards, stage count rewards, and curiosity rewards, allowing for minimal task-specific adjustments.

Contributions and Methodology

  1. Task Decomposition and Reward Design:

    • WoCoCo decomposes tasks into multiple contact stages, each defined by its contact and task goals. This decomposition alleviates the exploration burden by breaking it into manageable stages.
    • Dense contact rewards provide fine-grained feedback by rewarding correct contacts and penalizing incorrect ones, thereby enhancing policy guidance.
    • Stage count rewards incentivize the robot to explore new contact stages by rewarding the fulfillment of multiple stages.
    • Curiosity rewards derived from a random neural network-based hash further drive exploration, mitigating the risk of local maxima.
  2. Sim-to-Real Transfer:

    • The paper proposes a curriculum-based training pipeline for sim-to-real transfer, involving incremental introduction of domain randomization and increasing the weights of regularization rewards.
    • Regularization rewards ensure stable real-world deployment by penalizing undesirable behaviors such as excessive torque and contacts.
  3. Empirical Validation:

    • The effectiveness of WoCoCo is demonstrated across four challenging humanoid tasks and a 22-DoF dinosaur robot loco-manipulation task.
    • Tasks include versatile parkour jumping, box loco-manipulation, dynamic clap-and-tap dancing, and cliffside climbing.
    • In each task, WoCoCo enabled robust, agile, and adaptable control without the need for task-specific policy designs or motion priors.


  • Parkour Jumping: The robot achieves continuous jumps with varying foot contact sequences and upper body postures, demonstrating robustness in dealing with unseen obstacles.
  • Box Loco-Manipulation: The robot seamlessly transitions between walking and carrying a box, showcasing whole-body coordination and efficiency.
  • Dynamic Dancing: The robot accurately performs tapping and clapping motions, meeting the predefined contact goals.
  • Cliffside Climbing: The robot consistently fulfills hand and foot contact goals in climbing tasks, displaying agility and precision.

Implications and Future Work

The WoCoCo framework significantly simplifies the process of learning whole-body control for humanoids, presenting a scalable approach that reduces the need for exhaustive task-specific tuning and state machine design. The demonstrated tasks indicate the framework's versatility and potential applications in various real-world scenarios where complex, sequential contacts are required.

Future developments could focus on integrating high-level contact planners and exploring methods to implicitly handle contact feedback within the RL framework. Additionally, expanding the framework to include onboard sensing and further enhancing its robustness against diverse environmental uncertainties would be valuable. While WoCoCo addresses the exploration and control challenges effectively, ongoing research can aim to develop predictors for controller failures, ensuring safer and more reliable deployments in complex real-world operations.

In conclusion, the WoCoCo framework represents a substantial advancement in the field of whole-body humanoid control, leveraging a synergistic combination of task decomposition, dense reward structures, and a structured sim-to-real pipeline to achieve robust and adaptable performance in a variety of challenging tasks.

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