Emergent Mind

Creativity Has Left the Chat: The Price of Debiasing Language Models

Published Jun 8, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.AI


LLMs have revolutionized natural language processing but can exhibit biases and may generate toxic content. While alignment techniques like Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) reduce these issues, their impact on creativity, defined as syntactic and semantic diversity, remains unexplored. We investigate the unintended consequences of RLHF on the creativity of LLMs through three experiments focusing on the Llama-2 series. Our findings reveal that aligned models exhibit lower entropy in token predictions, form distinct clusters in the embedding space, and gravitate towards "attractor states", indicating limited output diversity. Our findings have significant implications for marketers who rely on LLMs for creative tasks such as copywriting, ad creation, and customer persona generation. The trade-off between consistency and creativity in aligned models should be carefully considered when selecting the appropriate model for a given application. We also discuss the importance of prompt engineering in harnessing the creative potential of base models.


  • The paper explores the trade-off between biases reduction and creativity loss in LLMs when aligned with human values using Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF).

  • Three experiments reveal that RLHF-aligned models show decreased syntactic and semantic diversity, impacting areas such as marketing where varied content is essential.

  • The study emphasizes the need for developing alignment techniques that maintain safety without compromising the creative capabilities of LLMs and advocates for advanced prompt engineering.

An Examination of the Impact of RLHF on Creativity in Language Models

The paper "Creativity Has Left the Chat: The Price of Debiasing Language Models" by Behnam Mohammadi investigates an essential yet underexplored facet of LLMs – the impact of alignment processes like Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) on the models' creativity. The study focuses on the Llama-2 series, specifically assessing how RLHF affects syntactic and semantic diversity, which the author deems as proxies for creativity in generative text models. The implications of these findings resonate across applied domains, particularly in marketing where creativity is paramount.

The Essence of RLHF and Its Application

The alignment of LLMs with human values and preferences through RLHF has been a pivotal technique to mitigate biases and minimize the generation of toxic content. While RLHF has successfully reduced such issues in various models, including the widely recognized GPT series and Llama-2, it is essential to scrutinize any unintended consequences of this alignment process.

In RLHF, human annotators rank model-generated responses, which then inform the training of a reward model. This reward model subsequently guides the LLM through reinforcement learning algorithms such as Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), aligning its outputs with human preferences. Despite efforts to maintain balance via mechanisms like the Kullback-Leibler (KL) penalty, mode collapse remains a persistent challenge, wherein the model overly optimizes for certain responses at the cost of output diversity.

Methodology and Experimental Design

The author conducts three experiments to compare the diversity of outputs from base models and their RLHF-aligned counterparts.

Customer Persona and Review Generation:

  • The models generate customer personas and product reviews, focusing on attributes (e.g., names, demographics) and content diversity.
  • Results indicate significant uniformity in the demographics generated by aligned models compared to the base model, notably in names, nationalities, and review sentiments.

Semantic-Level Variation:

  • Using the prompt "Grace Hopper was," the models' ability to phrase a historical fact in various ways is measured.
  • The aligned model's outputs form distinct clusters in the embedding space, suggesting limited expressions of the prompt compared to the base model's scattered embeddings, which denote higher semantic diversity.

Syntactic Diversity:

  • Token predictions are analyzed for entropy comparing the spread of token probabilities.
  • The aligned model exhibits lower entropy, implying deterministic token generation and reduced flexibility in exploring different syntactic structures.

Key Findings

The experiments reveal a clear trade-off between alignment for safety and creativity:

Reduced Output Diversity:

Aligned models show limited demographic and content diversity in customer personas and product reviews, which is problematic for applications requiring varied and engaging content.

Semantic Clustering:

The semantic diversity analysis shows clustered outputs in aligned models, signifying restricted ways of responding to prompts. This behavior is analogized to attractor states, akin to mode collapse in dynamic systems, where models revert to a narrow set of high-probability completions even when slightly perturbed.

Token Entropy:

Lower entropy in token predictions indicates that aligned models are more deterministic, translating to less creativity. In contrast, the base models demonstrate higher entropy, suggesting a richer exploration of token trajectories.

Implications and Future Directions

The findings underscore that while alignment through RLHF reduces biases and enhances safety, it compromises the creative capacity of LLMs. This has profound implications for domains like marketing, where creative content generation is crucial. The trade-off between consistency and creativity necessitates careful consideration for application-specific model selection.

Moreover, the paper advocates for the significance of prompt engineering in leveraging the creative potential of base models. Techniques for thoughtfully crafting prompts, therefore, remain indispensable.

Future research can explore alternative alignment techniques that preserve creative diversity without sacrificing safety. Additionally, examining variations in the RLHF process parameters and investigating the impact of different reward model configurations might offer insights into mitigating issues like mode collapse and aligning models more effectively for diverse applications.


Mohammadi's work provides a nuanced understanding of RLHF's impact on LLM creativity, presenting robust experimental evidence that aligned models, while safer, are less diverse in their outputs. This highlights the need for more balanced alignment methodologies and the continued relevance of advanced prompt engineering practices. The findings call for ongoing exploration into optimizing both model alignment and creative capabilities to fully harness the potential of LLMs in various applied fields.

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[R] Creativity Has Left the Chat: The Price of Debiasing Language Models (65 points, 25 comments) in /r/MachineLearning