Emergent Mind


This study presents Medical Vision Generalist (MVG), the first foundation model capable of handling various medical imaging tasks -- such as cross-modal synthesis, image segmentation, denoising, and inpainting -- within a unified image-to-image generation framework. Specifically, MVG employs an in-context generation strategy that standardizes the handling of inputs and outputs as images. By treating these tasks as an image generation process conditioned on prompt image-label pairs and input images, this approach enables a flexible unification of various tasks, even those spanning different modalities and datasets. To capitalize on both local and global context, we design a hybrid method combining masked image modeling with autoregressive training for conditional image generation. This hybrid approach yields the most robust performance across all involved medical imaging tasks. To rigorously evaluate MVG's capabilities, we curated the first comprehensive generalist medical vision benchmark, comprising 13 datasets and spanning four imaging modalities (CT, MRI, X-ray, and micro-ultrasound). Our results consistently establish MVG's superior performance, outperforming existing vision generalists, such as Painter and LVM. Furthermore, MVG exhibits strong scalability, with its performance demonstrably improving when trained on a more diverse set of tasks, and can be effectively adapted to unseen datasets with only minimal task-specific samples. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/OliverRensu/MVG}.

Unified approach for medical tasks using in-context learning with mask image modeling and auto-regressive training.


  • The paper introduces the Medical Vision Generalist (MVG), a foundational model designed to unify various medical imaging tasks such as cross-modal synthesis, image segmentation, denoising, and inpainting under a single framework.

  • MVG employs a hybrid learning approach combining masked image modeling (MIM) and autoregressive training to handle the diverse nature of medical imaging tasks, optimizing for both local and global context capture.

  • Benchmark evaluations demonstrate that MVG outperforms existing models across multiple medical imaging tasks, showcasing its scalability and potential for generalization to new datasets with minimal retraining.

Overview of Medical Vision Generalist: Unifying Medical Imaging Tasks in Context

The paper "Medical Vision Generalist: Unifying Medical Imaging Tasks in Context" introduces Medical Vision Generalist (MVG), a foundation model designed to tackle a diverse array of medical imaging tasks within a unified framework. The tasks include cross-modal synthesis, image segmentation, denoising, and inpainting, all encompassed within an image-to-image generation context. MVG employs a hybrid learning approach, combining masked image modeling (MIM) with autoregressive training, optimized for the multifaceted nature of medical imaging.

The researchers designed MVG to standardize the inputs and outputs exclusively as images, thereby unifying the varied nature of medical imaging tasks. By treating tasks as image generation processes conditioned on prompt image-label pairs alongside input images, this innovative approach enables flexibility and adaptability across different imaging modalities and datasets.

Methodology and Contributions

Task Unification through Conditional Image Generation

MVG employs an in-context learning strategy that effectively translates various tasks into a common image-generation process. The primary tasks—segmentation, cross-modal synthesis, inpainting, and denoising—are processed through conditional image generation, where the output image is generated conditioned on a prompt image-label pair and the task-specific input image.

The model architecture integrates a ViT encoder with a dual methodology for context preservation:

  • Masked Image Modeling: This involves random masking within concatenated prompt and task images, enhancing the model's ability to reconstruct lost regions.
  • Auto-Regressive Training: This leverages sequential training of images, treating each image and its corresponding label as part of a visual sentence.

The performance of these techniques varies, with the auto-regressive approach proving superior in maintaining the context for segmentation tasks, which often include small, intricate anatomical details. This hybrid approach ensures the MVG captures both local and global contexts.

Benchmarking and Performance

The researchers curated a comprehensive benchmark to evaluate MVG, spanning 13 datasets and encompassing four imaging modalities: CT, MRI, X-ray, and micro-ultrasound. The datasets selected cover key anatomical regions such as the abdomen, pelvis, brain, and chest. The results consistently demonstrate MVG's superiority over existing vision generalists like Painter and LVM. For example, MVG achieves 0.735 mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) on segmentation tasks, outperforming the previous best by 0.123 mIoU.

Additionally, MVG showcases strong performance on synthesis tasks:

The paper supports these quantitative results with qualitative visuals, demonstrating MVG's robust capabilities across different medical imaging tasks.

Scalability and Generalization

MVG's scalability and generalization potential are critical findings. The model's performance improves with increased dataset diversity, suggesting that expanding the datasets could further enhance its capabilities. Notably, MVG generalizes effectively to unseen datasets with minimal samples. For example, without retraining, MVG achieves 0.84 mIoU on the unseen MSD-Liver dataset through in-context learning.

Implications and Future Directions

The development of MVG has substantial implications for both practical applications and future theoretical advancements in medical AI:

  • Practical Implications: MVG presents a versatile tool which can be promptly adapted to new tasks and datasets, significantly reducing the requirement for extensive domain-specific model retraining. This adaptability can potentially accelerate clinical workflows and enhance diagnostic accuracy through consistent, high-quality imaging outputs.
  • Theoretical Implications: The introduction of a unified task-solving framework promotes further research into generalist models, encouraging a shift from highly specialized, task-specific models to more comprehensive, adaptable frameworks.

Limitations and Future Work

Despite its strong performance, MVG has limitations. The paper acknowledges that MVG does not yet match the performance of specialist models in every task. Further work is required to enhance the model's ability to generalize across tasks and fine-tune its performance to be on par with specialist models. Additionally, the authors indicate that MVG’s predictions are highly sensitive to the chosen in-context sample, suggesting an area for future refinement. Expanding the current 2D framework to support 2.5D or 3D models is another prospective enhancement.

In conclusion, MVG represents a significant step toward generalist medical AI models, proving the feasibility and potential of a unified approach to handling diverse medical imaging tasks. By leveraging in-context learning and a hybrid training methodology, MVG sets a new standard for flexibility, scalability, and effectiveness in medical image processing.

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