Emergent Mind

Robotic in-hand manipulation with relaxed optimization

Published Jun 7, 2024 in cs.RO


Dexterous in-hand manipulation is a unique and valuable human skill requiring sophisticated sensorimotor interaction with the environment while respecting stability constraints. Satisfying these constraints with generated motions is essential for a robotic platform to achieve reliable in-hand manipulation skills. Explicitly modelling these constraints can be challenging, but they can be implicitly modelled and learned through experience or human demonstrations. We propose a learning and control approach based on dictionaries of motion primitives generated from human demonstrations. To achieve this, we defined an optimization process that combines motion primitives to generate robot fingertip trajectories for moving an object from an initial to a desired final pose. Based on our experiments, our approach allows a robotic hand to handle objects like humans, adhering to stability constraints without requiring explicit formalization. In other words, the proposed motion primitive dictionaries learn and implicitly embed the constraints crucial to the in-hand manipulation task.

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