Emergent Mind


Nowadays, LLMs are published as a service and can be accessed by various applications via APIs, also known as language-model-as-a-service (LMaaS). Without knowing the generation length of requests, existing serving systems serve requests in a first-come, first-served (FCFS) manner with a fixed batch size, which leads to two problems that affect batch serving efficiency. First, the generation lengths of requests in a batch vary, and requests with short generation lengths must wait for requests with long generation lengths to finish during the batch serving procedure. Second, requests with longer generation lengths consume more memory during serving. Without knowing the generation lengths of batched requests, the batch size is always set small to avoid the out-of-memory (OOM) error, thus preventing the GPU from being fully utilized. In this paper, we find that a significant number of popular applications in the LMaaS scenario have a positive correlation between the generation length and the length of raw user input. Based on this observation, we propose Magnus, which can accurately predict the request generation length with the user input length, application-level, and user-level semantic features. Accordingly, Magnus can achieve high request throughput by batching requests of similar generation lengths together with adaptive batch sizes. Besides, Magnus can also schedule batches with the highest response ratio next (HRRN) policy to reduce request response time. Experiments conducted on our testbed show that Magnus improves request throughput by up to 234\% and reduces response time by up to 89.7\% compared to baselines.

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