Emergent Mind


LLMs can suffer from hallucinations when generating text. These hallucinations impede various applications in society and industry by making LLMs untrustworthy. Current LLMs generate text in an autoregressive fashion by predicting and appending text tokens. When an LLM is uncertain about the semantic meaning of the next tokens to generate, it is likely to start hallucinating. Thus, it has been suggested that hallucinations stem from predictive uncertainty. We introduce Semantically Diverse Language Generation (SDLG) to quantify predictive uncertainty in LLMs. SDLG steers the LLM to generate semantically diverse yet likely alternatives for an initially generated text. This approach provides a precise measure of aleatoric semantic uncertainty, detecting whether the initial text is likely to be hallucinated. Experiments on question-answering tasks demonstrate that SDLG consistently outperforms existing methods while being the most computationally efficient, setting a new standard for uncertainty estimation in LLMs.

Probability distributions of y and c.


  • The paper introduces Semantically Diverse Language Generation (SDLG), a new method to address the issue of hallucinations in language models by quantifying and managing predictive uncertainty through semantically diverse text generation.

  • SDLG employs importance sampling to create semantically varied output sequences, outperforming existing uncertainty estimation methods in terms of efficiency and accuracy, particularly in the context of free-form question-answering tasks.

  • The authors provide a rigorous theoretical foundation for semantic entropy in Natural Language Generation (NLG), supported by experimental validations demonstrating the practical efficacy of SDLG in improving the reliability of language model outputs.

Semantically Diverse Language Generation for Uncertainty Estimation in Language Models

The paper "Semantically Diverse Language Generation for Uncertainty Estimation in Language Models" addresses a well-recognized challenge in the field of Natural Language Generation (NLG): the issue of hallucinations in LLMs. Hallucinations occur when models generate text that appears coherent but is factually incorrect or not grounded in the input data. This phenomenon is particularly concerning for applications relying on the trustworthiness of generated text, such as question-answering systems.


The authors propose the new method Semantically Diverse Language Generation (SDLG) specifically designed to quantify and manage predictive uncertainty in LLMs. The fundamental insight driving this work is that hallucinations correlate with predictive uncertainty—when a model is uncertain about which tokens to generate next, it may produce semantically inaccurate or irrelevant text. The SDLG method aims to steer LLMs to generate multiple semantically diverse yet plausible alternatives to an initially generated text, effectively quantifying aleatoric semantic uncertainty and identifying potential hallucinations.

Main Contributions

The paper advances the state of the art in several key areas:

  1. Methodological Innovation: SDLG introduces importance sampling to create semantically diverse output sequences. This method contrasts existing approaches that rely on multinomial sampling, which often lacks the efficiency to capture semantic variations with a limited number of samples.
  2. Empirical Validation: Experiments conducted on free-form question-answering tasks demonstrate that SDLG outperforms existing uncertainty estimation methods consistently across multiple dimensions. Notably, SDLG achieves better performance in a computationally efficient manner, thus setting a new benchmark for efficiency and accuracy in the field.
  3. Theoretical Foundations: The authors provide a rigorous derivation of semantic entropy for NLG, grounded in the well-established concepts of uncertainty in classification tasks. This formalism is pivotal for the comprehensive understanding of predictive uncertainty and its accurate estimation in the context of NLG.


Semantic Uncertainty

Semantic uncertainty in NLG extends beyond token-level uncertainty, necessitating an understanding of the entire generated sequence's semantic equivalence. This approach contrasts with traditional classification tasks where the classes are typically mutually exclusive, and uncertainty can be estimated directly from the predictive distribution.

Importance Sampling and SDLG

The crux of SDLG lies in importance sampling, guided by the proposal distribution that samples semantically diverse output sequences. This involves identifying and substituting tokens that contribute most to the semantic meaning of the initially generated output:

  • Attribution Score: Determines the contribution of each token in the initial sequence to the overall semantic meaning.
  • Substitution Score: Measures the impact of substituting each token with an alternative from the vocabulary.
  • Importance Score: Evaluates the likelihood of an alternative token given the context, ensuring the substituted tokens are probable continuations.

SDLG efficiently generates an initial sequence and then systematically explores semantic variations by substituting key tokens, guided by the computed scores. This targeted sampling reduces the computational overhead and increases the likelihood of uncovering semantically diverse sequences.

Experimental Results

The paper presents a comprehensive evaluation against various baselines using three diverse datasets—TruthfulQA, CoQA, and TriviaQA. SDLG is shown to outperform other methods, particularly in estimating semantic uncertainty with fewer samples. This efficiency is vital as it directly impacts the practical deployability of the method in real-world applications.



The presented results have significant implications for both theoretical understanding and practical applications in AI. From a theoretical perspective, SDLG sets a new direction for uncertainty estimation by emphasizing semantic diversity. Practically, improving the reliability of LLM outputs enhances user trust and broadens the applicability of LLMs in critical decision-making processes.

Future Directions

Several avenues for future research are suggested:

  • Longer Sequences and Summarization: Extending SDLG to tasks involving longer sequences, such as document summarization, could unveil additional benefits and challenges.
  • Continuous Semantic Similarity: Introducing a less rigid, continuous measure for semantic similarity might refine the uncertainty estimations further.
  • Epistemic Uncertainty: Current focus on aleatoric uncertainty could be complemented by quantifying epistemic uncertainty, providing a holistic view of the model’s predictive reliability.


In conclusion, SDLG represents a substantial advancement in the domain of uncertainty estimation in NLG. By explicitly steering LLMs towards generating semantically diverse alternatives, SDLG provides a robust mechanism to detect and manage hallucinations, ensuring higher reliability and trustworthiness of language models. This method holds promise for advancing the capabilities and reliability of AI-driven text generation, marking a pivotal step forward in natural language processing.

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