Emergent Mind


The advancement of science relies on the exchange of ideas across disciplines and the integration of diverse knowledge domains. However, tracking knowledge flows and interdisciplinary integration in rapidly evolving, multidisciplinary fields remains a significant challenge. This work introduces a novel network analysis framework to study the dynamics of knowledge transfer directly from citation data. By applying dynamic community detection to cumulative, time-evolving citation networks, we can identify research areas as groups of papers sharing knowledge sources and outputs. Our analysis characterises the life-cycles and knowledge transfer patterns of these dynamic communities over time. We demonstrate our approach through a case study of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) research, an emerging interdisciplinary field at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and psychology. Key findings include: (i) knowledge transfer between these important foundational topics and the contemporary topics in XAI research is limited, and the extent of knowledge transfer varies across different contemporary research topics; (ii) certain application domains exist as isolated "knowledge silos"; (iii) significant "knowledge gaps" are identified between related XAI research areas, suggesting opportunities for cross-pollination and improved knowledge integration. By mapping interdisciplinary integration and bridging knowledge gaps, this work can inform strategies to synthesise ideas from disparate sources and drive innovation. More broadly, our proposed framework enables new insights into the evolution of knowledge ecosystems directly from citation data, with applications spanning literature review, research planning, and science policy.

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