Emergent Mind


The kNN-CTC model has proven to be effective for monolingual automatic speech recognition (ASR). However, its direct application to multilingual scenarios like code-switching, presents challenges. Although there is potential for performance improvement, a kNN-CTC model utilizing a single bilingual datastore can inadvertently introduce undesirable noise from the alternative language. To address this, we propose a novel kNN-CTC-based code-switching ASR (CS-ASR) framework that employs dual monolingual datastores and a gated datastore selection mechanism to reduce noise interference. Our method selects the appropriate datastore for decoding each frame, ensuring the injection of language-specific information into the ASR process. We apply this framework to cutting-edge CTC-based models, developing an advanced CS-ASR system. Extensive experiments demonstrate the remarkable effectiveness of our gated datastore mechanism in enhancing the performance of zero-shot Chinese-English CS-ASR.

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