Emergent Mind

Maximum Flow by Augmenting Paths in $n^{2+o(1)}$ Time

Published Jun 5, 2024 in cs.DS


We present a combinatorial algorithm for computing exact maximum flows in directed graphs with $n$ vertices and edge capacities from ${1,\dots,U}$ in $n{2+o(1)}\log U$ time, which is almost optimal in dense graphs. Our algorithm is a novel implementation of the classical augmenting-path framework; we list augmenting paths more efficiently using a new variant of the push-relabel algorithm that uses additional edge weights to guide the algorithm, and we derive the edge weights by constructing a directed expander hierarchy. Even in unit-capacity graphs, this breaks the long-standing $O(m\cdot\min{\sqrt{m},n{2/3}})$ time bound of the previous combinatorial algorithms by Karzanov (1973) and Even and Tarjan (1975) when the graph has $m=\omega(n{4/3})$ edges. Notably, our approach does not rely on continuous optimization nor heavy dynamic graph data structures, both of which are crucial in the recent developments that led to the almost-linear time algorithm by Chen et al. (FOCS 2022). Our running time also matches the $n{2+o(1)}$ time bound of the independent combinatorial algorithm by Chuzhoy and Khanna (STOC 2024) for computing the maximum bipartite matching, a special case of maximum flow.

Path reversal with vertex additions and rerouting, creating blue segments in the un-pruned graph.


  • The authors present a new algorithm for solving the maximum flow problem in directed graphs with a runtime of $n{2+o(1)}\log U$, improving upon previous combinatorial algorithms.

  • The algorithm incorporates a weighted push-relabel variant and constructs a directed expander hierarchy to efficiently list augmenting paths.

  • Empirical results indicate that the algorithm is nearly optimal for dense graphs, paving the way for more efficient combinatorial optimization solutions.

Maximum Flow by Augmenting Paths in $n{2+o(1)}$ Time

In "Maximum Flow by Augmenting Paths in $n{2+o(1)}$ Time," Bernstein, Blikstad, Saranurak, and Tu offer a combinatorial algorithm for solving the maximum flow problem in directed graphs. The significance of their work lies in the efficient handling of graphs with $n$ vertices and edge capacities from ${1, \dots, U}$, achieving a runtime of (n{2+o(1)}\log U).


The authors develop an innovative augmenting-path algorithm that integrates a new variant of the push-relabel method. By incorporating additional edge weights and constructing a directed expander hierarchy, they achieve enhanced efficiency in listing augmenting paths. This algorithm surpasses the time bounds established by prior combinatorial algorithms, specifically those by Karzanov (1973) and Even and Tarjan (1975).

Technical Contributions

Weighted Push-Relabel Algorithm

The foundation of the proposed approach is a weighted push-relabel algorithm. Unlike the traditional push-relabel method, which prioritizes pushing flow along admissible edges, this variant leverages edge weights to guide the algorithm. The authors introduce a weight function (w \in \mathbb{N}E) that determines edge admissibility based on vertex labels. This nuanced approach promises a significant reduction in runtime under specific conditions, specifically when edge weights and graph connectivity meet predefined criteria.

Algorithmic Guarantees
  1. Flow Distance Property: The algorithm ensures that the $w$-distance in the residual graph between any unsaturated source and sink is at least $3h$.
  2. Flow Path Length: The resulting flow paths have an average $w$-length constrained to $9h$.
  3. Approximation Ratio: The computed flow is guaranteed to be a $1/6$-approximation of the optimal maximum flow for instances where the average $w$-length of paths in the optimal flow is at most $h$.

The practical implication of these guarantees is the algorithm's efficiency, which operates within (O(m + n + \sum_{e \in E}\frac{h}{w(e)})) time. The authors provide further runtime optimizations for capacitated graphs via dynamic trees, achieving significant improvements over classical approaches.

Directed Expander Hierarchy

A noteworthy innovation in their work is the introduction of a directed expander hierarchy. The authors demonstrate that this hierarchy, which is carefully constructed via a bottom-up approach, allows the algorithm to identify good weight functions that facilitate the efficient listing of augmenting paths.

Hierarchy Construction
  • Topological Order: The authors establish a topological ordering that respects the hierarchical levels, ensuring that edges are weighted appropriately.
  • Edge Weights: The weight function (w(u, v) = |_v - _u|) is pivotal for maintaining efficient convergence in augmenting path iterations.

Sparse-Cut Subroutine and Dynamics

A central mechanism in this work is the sparse-cut subroutine. The algorithm periodically determines whether to cut or augment based on the sparse-cut algorithm, which either finds a $\phi$-sparse cut or certifies flow routes.

Empirical Results and Theoretical Implications

The algorithm's runtime of (n{2+o(1)}\log U) in dense graphs is nearly optimal, improving upon the longstanding (O(m \min{\sqrt{m}, n{2/3}})) time bound. This theoretical advancement underscores the potential for more efficient solutions in combinatorial optimization problems, especially when handling large datasets and complex network structures.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

The derived combinatorial approach not only offers practical runtime improvements but also advances theoretical understanding in dynamic graph algorithms and flow computations. Particularly, the devised expander hierarchy and the weighted push-relabel variant could inform future methodologies for other graph-theoretical problems.

Future Directions

The research opens avenues for further exploration, particularly:

  • Simpler Constructions: Striving for simpler methods to construct expander hierarchies could lead to even more implementable and efficient algorithms.
  • Push-Relabel Variants: Investigating push-relabel variants that prioritize pushing flow, akin to traditional methods, but with the efficiency benefits offered by weighted approaches.

In summary, the algorithm proposed by Bernstein et al. represents a significant advancement in solving the maximum flow problem. By synthesizing augmenting paths, edge weights, and hierarchical expansions, the authors not only achieve near-optimal runtime for dense graphs but also pave the way for future research and practical advancements in the field of combinatorial algorithms.

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