Emergent Mind

E(n) Equivariant Message Passing Cellular Networks

Published Jun 5, 2024 in cs.LG


This paper introduces E(n) Equivariant Message Passing Cellular Networks (EMPCNs), an extension of E(n) Equivariant Graph Neural Networks to CW-complexes. Our approach addresses two aspects of geometric message passing networks: 1) enhancing their expressiveness by incorporating arbitrary cells, and 2) achieving this in a computationally efficient way with a decoupled EMPCNs technique. We demonstrate that EMPCNs achieve close to state-of-the-art performance on multiple tasks without the need for steerability, including many-body predictions and motion capture. Moreover, ablation studies confirm that decoupled EMPCNs exhibit stronger generalization capabilities than their non-topologically informed counterparts. These findings show that EMPCNs can be used as a scalable and expressive framework for higher-order message passing in geometric and topological graphs

Decoupled EMPCNs pipeline: split input graph into cellular lifted graph and fully connected graph.


  • The paper introduces E(n) Equivariant Message Passing Cellular Networks (EMPCNs), enhancing Graph Neural Networks by incorporating CW-complexes to capture higher-dimensional topological features.

  • EMPCNs achieve computational efficiency through a decoupling technique, balancing integration of higher-order topological information without increased complexity.

  • EMPCNs demonstrate near state-of-the-art performance on various tasks, showcasing their efficiency and expressivity in handling complex geometric and topological datasets.

Overview of "E(n) Equivariant Message Passing Cellular Networks"

The paper "E(n) Equivariant Message Passing Cellular Networks" (EMPCNs) presents an advanced extension of E(n) Equivariant Graph Neural Networks to CW-complexes, thereby enhancing the expressivity and efficiency of geometric message passing networks. The primary contributions of this work are twofold: firstly, it allows for the incorporation of arbitrary cells into the message passing framework, providing a richer topological structure, and secondly, it introduces a computationally efficient decoupling technique for EMPCNs.

Enhanced Expressivity through Cellular Complexes

A core limitation of traditional Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) lies in their inability to capture higher-dimensional topological features effectively. Standard GNNs primarily operate on graph-structured data, focusing on relationships captured via edges between nodes. While this works well for pairwise interactions, it falls short in scenarios where multi-body relationships are significant—such as protein-protein interactions or complex social network dynamics. The expressivity of GNNs is theoretically capped by the Weisfeiler-Lehman (WL) test's ability to distinguish non-isomorphic graphs.

To address these expressivity limitations, recent studies have extended GNNs to operate on simplicial complexes, thereby capturing higher-order interactions through structures like triangles or tetrahedrons. EMPCNs build upon this by utilizing CW-complexes, which allow for an even more generalized and flexible representation of topological features. This approach enriches the expressive power of the network, enabling it to recognize and exploit complex topological invariants within the data.

Computational Efficiency with Decoupled EMPCNs

High computational costs are a significant challenge in implementing higher-order message passing, especially when introducing intricate topological structures like Vietoris-Rips complexes in EMPSNs. To combat this, the authors introduce decoupled EMPCNs, a scalable method that balances the integration of higher-order topological information without the overhead of increased computational complexity. This approach involves dividing the input graph into two components: a fully connected node graph for direct communication and a CW-lifted graph for higher-order message passing. This dual approach maintains computational efficiency while leveraging the enriched expressivity provided by cellular complexes.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

The practical implications of EMPCNs are demonstrated through near state-of-the-art performance on various tasks, including many-body predictions and motion capture. The decoupled EMPCNs, in particular, exhibit stronger generalization capabilities without increased computational costs, making them suitable for large-scale applications where real-time performance is crucial.

From a theoretical perspective, integrating CW-complexes into message passing networks marks a significant step towards more generalized and higher-order GNNs. This work aligns with the goals of Geometric Deep Learning, where the focus is on leveraging the intrinsic geometric and topological structure of data to enhance learning models.

Numerical Results and Claims

The paper details various experiments highlighting EMPCNs’ efficacy. For instance, the model demonstrates competitive performance on the N-body system and QM9 dataset, showcasing its ability to handle tasks with complex geometric and topological dependencies. The ablation studies further underscore the model's robustness and efficiency, particularly in low-data or low-parameter settings.

By achieving near state-of-the-art results without the need for elaborate steerable methods or significant computational complexity, EMPCNs provide a balanced and scalable solution for integrating richer topological features into geometric datasets.

Future Directions and Speculations

Future developments in this area may extend to the automatic detection of higher-order structures based on specific tasks, further reducing the reliance on pre-domain knowledge. Moreover, continued exploration at the intersection of geometric and topological message passing could unlock new applications and improvements across various domains, including molecular chemistry, material science, and social network analysis.


In summary, EMPCNs represent a significant advancement in the field of Graph Neural Networks by successfully integrating higher-order topological structures within a computationally efficient message passing framework. This work not only enhances the expressivity of geometric deep learning models but also addresses practical challenges around scalability and generalization, paving the way for future research and applications in complex geometric and topological data analysis.

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