Emergent Mind


We study the problem of controlling the difficulty level of text generated by LLMs for contexts where end-users are not fully proficient, such as language learners. Using a novel framework, we evaluate the effectiveness of several key approaches for this task, including few-shot prompting, supervised finetuning, and reinforcement learning (RL), utilising both GPT-4 and open source alternatives like LLama2-7B and Mistral-7B. Our findings reveal a large performance gap between GPT-4 and the open source models when using prompt-based strategies. However, we show how to bridge this gap with a careful combination of finetuning and RL alignment. Our best model, CALM (CEFR-Aligned Language Model), surpasses the performance of GPT-4 and other strategies, at only a fraction of the cost. We further validate the quality of our results through a small-scale human study.

GPT-4 generating native-level content vs. proficiency control model outcomes for various levels.


  • The paper introduces a novel framework and comparison of approaches for controlling language proficiency levels in text generation tasks using LLMs, specifically targeting applications in language learning.

  • It proposes and evaluates several methods for proficiency control, including prompt-based strategies, finetuning of open-source models using outputs from more advanced models, and reinforcement learning using Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO).

  • The research demonstrates the effectiveness of a hybrid method combining finetuning and PPO, achieving proficiency control comparable to GPT-4 at a reduced computational cost, validated via automated and human evaluations.

Controlling the Language Proficiency Level of LLMs for Content Generation: An Expert Review

The paper "From Tarzan to Tolkien: Controlling the Language Proficiency Level of LLMs for Content Generation," authored by researchers from Stanford University and Duolingo, addresses the significant challenge of modulating the language proficiency level in text generation tasks using LLMs. This work is particularly impactful in contexts such as language learning, where the end-users' proficiency levels vary widely. The authors propose a novel framework and comparison of approaches for achieving proficiency control, focusing on both proprietary models like GPT-4 and open-source alternatives such as LLaMa2-7B and Mistral-7B.

The Proficiency Control Task (PCT)

The authors introduce the Proficiency Control Task (PCT), a formal framework to assess an LLM's capability to modulate language proficiency while maintaining high content quality and cost efficiency. The task is defined by three metrics:

  1. ControlError: Measures how closely the generated text matches the target proficiency level.
  2. QualityScore: Assesses the relevance and fluency of the generated text concerning the given prompt (measured in terms of fluency and consistency scores).
  3. Cost: Evaluates the computational expense, primarily measured in FLOPs.

Methodologies for Proficiency Control

Prompt-based Approaches

The study explores several prompt-based strategies, incrementally increasing in complexity, starting from simple directives to describe the target CEFR level, and including few-shot learning examples:

  • Baseline: Directly asks the LLM to generate text at a certain CEFR level.
  • Description: Adds a description of the target CEFR level.
  • Few-shot Learning: Incorporates example texts at the target level, either describing just the target level or all levels.

The results demonstrate that while GPT-4 exhibits a strong performance across all prompt-based strategies with low ControlError and high QualityScore, open-source models like LLaMa2-7B and Mistral-7B perform poorly in comparison when only prompt-based strategies are employed. This indicates that the underlying quality and scale of the model significantly influence proficiency control outcomes.

Finetuning Approaches

To bridge the gap observed in the prompt-based approaches between GPT-4 and the open-source models, the authors propose supervised finetuning:

  • Using outputs from an effective GPT-4 prompting strategy to generate training data for finetuning the open-source models.
  • Finetuning led to substantial improvements in reducing ControlError while maintaining high-quality scores.

Reinforcement Learning Alignment

Further alignment was achieved through Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). Training the models with PPO, leveraging the negative ControlError as a reward function, demonstrated further reductions in ControlError. The authors noted that the PPO training process is unstable and requires careful tuning to ensure beneficial outcomes.

Boosting Through Sampling

The paper also discusses a simple yet powerful strategy to reduce ControlError: top-k sampling. By generating multiple outputs (k samples) and selecting the one with the lowest ControlError, this technique boosts the proficiency control performance of any base model. This approach demonstrated a notable reduction in ControlError but at the expense of increased computational cost.

Results and Human Evaluation

The best-performing model, termed CEFR-Aligned Language Model (CELL), trained through a combination of finetuning and PPO, achieved comparable ControlError to GPT-4 at a fraction of the cost. The efficacy of the generated text was validated through both automated scoring and human evaluations, confirming the alignment with human perceptions of text proficiency and high-quality content generation.

Implications and Future Directions

The research presented in this paper has practical implications for content generation in education, particularly for language learners. By achieving precise control over text proficiency, educators can ensure materials are appropriately challenging and accessible for learners at different levels. Furthermore, the emphasis on cost efficiency opens up pathways for deploying these models in resource-constrained settings.

For future developments, several potential directions emerge:

  1. Generalization to Other Languages: Extending proficiency control to more languages, especially low-resource languages, could widen the applicability of these models.
  2. Robustness and Stability: Improving the stability of PPO training could facilitate more reliable model performance enhancements.
  3. On-Demand Customization: Developing interfaces or tools that allow end-users (e.g., teachers) to dynamically adjust proficiency levels could make this technology more adaptable in real-world applications.


The work by Ali Malik, Stephen Mayhew, Chris Piech, and Klinton Bicknell provides a comprehensive framework and methodologies for controlling language proficiency in LLM-generated content. The combination of prompt-based techniques, finetuning, and reinforcement learning alignment offers a robust pathway to achieve precise control over text generation, underscoring the potential for broader educational applications. Through rigorous evaluation and innovative strategies, this research marks a significant contribution to the field of controlled text generation in AI.

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