Emergent Mind


LLMs have exhibited impressive capabilities in various tasks, yet their vast parameter sizes restrict their applicability in resource-constrained settings. Knowledge distillation (KD) offers a viable solution by transferring expertise from large teacher models to compact student models. However, traditional KD techniques face specific challenges when applied to LLMs, including restricted access to LLM outputs, significant teacher-student capacity gaps, and the inherited mis-calibration issue. In this work, we present PLaD, a novel preference-based LLM distillation framework. PLaD exploits the teacher-student capacity discrepancy to generate pseudo-preference pairs where teacher outputs are preferred over student outputs. Then, PLaD leverages a ranking loss to re-calibrate student's estimation of sequence likelihood, which steers the student's focus towards understanding the relative quality of outputs instead of simply imitating the teacher. PLaD bypasses the need for access to teacher LLM's internal states, tackles the student's expressivity limitations, and mitigates the student mis-calibration issue. Through extensive experiments on two sequence generation tasks and with various LLMs, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed PLaD framework.

PL framework's stages: model initialization, checkpoint selection, pseudo-preference generation, and preference distillation.


  • The paper introduces a novel framework for distilling knowledge from LLMs to smaller models using pseudo-preference pairs without requiring internal states or extensive computational resources.

  • It employs a calibration objective to align the student model's output quality with sequence likelihood, and constructs pseudo-preference pairs without human annotations.

  • Extensive experiments demonstrate the framework's effectiveness across multiple tasks, models, and metrics, significantly improving student model performance.

Preference-based Large Language Model Distillation with Pseudo-Preference Pairs


The paper, PL: Preference-based Large Language Model Distillation with Pseudo-Preference Pairs presents a novel approach for distilling knowledge from LLMs to smaller, more practical students without access to the LLM's internal states or requiring extensive computational resources. The proposed framework, called Preference-based Large Language Model Distillation (PL), leverages pseudo-preference pairs to fine-tune the student model, guiding it based on the relative quality of generated outputs.

Key Contributions

  1. Novel Framework: PL introduces a novel framework for LLM distillation using preference data. The framework capitalizes on the differences in capacity between teacher and student models to create pseudo-preference pairs.
  2. Calibration Objective: An explicit calibration objective is used to align the student's sequence likelihood with output quality, circumventing the mis-calibration issue common in large models.
  3. Annotation-free Preference Pairs: The method constructs pseudo-preference pairs without human annotations, leveraging the inherent capacity gap between teacher and student models.
  4. Extensive Experiments: Comprehensive experiments across multiple tasks with various LLMs demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of the PL framework.


The PL framework begins by training both teacher and student models through supervised fine-tuning (SFT). The critical innovation lies in generating pseudo-preference pairs by comparing the teacher's and student's outputs on an unlabeled distillation set. The teacher's outputs are assumed to be of higher quality due to the model's larger capacity. The student then fine-tunes its estimation of sequence likelihood based on these pseudo-preference pairs using a ranking loss function that does not require access to the teacher's internal states.

Pseudo-Preference Pairs Generation

The process of generating pseudo-preference pairs involves sampling outputs from both teacher and student models for a given input. By assuming the teacher's output is inherently better, pairs are formed where the teacher's output is preferred. This approach avoids the costly requirement of human-annotated preference data.

Distillation with Preference Pairs

The distillation process uses two types of calibration loss functions:

  1. Ranking Calibration Loss: Encourages the student model to increase the relative likelihood of the preferred teacher's output over its own.
  2. Margin Calibration Loss: Further refines this process by incorporating a scoring function that adds a margin based on the quality of generated sequences.

Experimental Results

The effectiveness of the PL framework was validated through extensive experiments:

  1. Datasets: The framework was evaluated on the Anthropic-HH dialogue generation and Reddit TL;DR summarization tasks.
  2. Models: LLaMA-2 and GPT-Neo models served as the main LLM families, with additional experiments involving PaLM-2 and T5 models to demonstrate broad applicability.
  3. Metrics: Win rate and ROUGE scores were used as evaluation criteria. The student models distilled using PL consistently outperformed those trained with traditional KD methods in win rate, even matching or surpassing some teacher models.

Implications and Future Directions

The implications of this research are significant for deploying high-performance language models in resource-constrained environments. By addressing the student model's calibration and expressivity limitations through pseudo-preference pairs, the proposed method ensures effective distillation without requiring extensive computational overhead or human annotations.

Future research could explore:

  • Iterative Distillation: Further improving the student model by iteratively refining pseudo-preference pairs based on intermediary student outputs.
  • Enhanced Calibration Techniques: Developing more sophisticated calibration objectives and loss functions to refine the student's output quality.
  • Broader Application Scenarios: Expanding the framework's applicability to a wider array of tasks and model architectures, ensuring robust performance across diverse NLP tasks.


The PL framework offers a resource-efficient and scalable solution for LLM distillation. By leveraging pseudo-preference pairs and an explicit calibration objective, it effectively bridges the gap between large teacher models and their smaller, more practical student counterparts. This approach provides a powerful tool for the deployment of high-performance language technologies in settings with limited computational resources.

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