Emergent Mind


Autonomous transportation systems such as road vehicles or vessels require the consideration of the static and dynamic environment to dislocate without collision. Anticipating the behavior of an agent in a given situation is required to adequately react to it in time. Developing deep learning-based models has become the dominant approach to motion prediction recently. The social environment is often considered through a CNN-LSTM-based sub-module processing a $\textit{social tensor}$ that includes information of the past trajectory of surrounding agents. For the proposed transformer-based trajectory prediction model, an alternative, computationally more efficient social tensor definition and processing is suggested. It considers the interdependencies between target and surrounding agents at each time step directly instead of relying on information of last hidden LSTM states of individually processed agents. A transformer-based sub-module, the Social Tensor Transformer, is integrated into the overall prediction model. It is responsible for enriching the target agent's dislocation features with social interaction information obtained from the social tensor. For the awareness of spatial limitations, dislocation features are defined in relation to the navigable area. This replaces additional, computationally expensive map processing sub-modules. An ablation study shows, that for longer prediction horizons, the deviation of the predicted trajectory from the ground truth is lower compared to a spatially and socially agnostic model. Even if the performance gain from a spatial-only to a spatial and social context-sensitive model is small in terms of common error measures, by visualizing the results it can be shown that the proposed model in fact is able to predict reactions to surrounding agents and explicitely allows an interpretable behavior.

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