Emergent Mind

Noise-adapted qudit codes for amplitude-damping noise

Published Jun 4, 2024 in quant-ph


Quantum error correction (QEC) plays a critical role in preventing information loss in quantum systems and provides a framework for reliable quantum computation. Identifying quantum codes with nice code parameters for physically motivated noise models remains an interesting challenge. Going beyond qubit codes, here we propose a class of qudit error correcting codes tailored to protect against amplitude-damping noise. Specifically, we construct a class of four-qudit codes that satisfies the error correction conditions for all single-qudit and a few two-qudit damping errors up to the leading order in the damping parameter $\gamma$. We devise a protocol to extract syndromes that identify this set of errors unambiguously, leading to a noise-adapted recovery scheme that achieves a fidelity loss of $\cO(\gamma{2})$. For the $d=2$ case, our QEC scheme is identical to the known example of the $4$-qubit code and the associated syndrome-based recovery. We also assess the performance of our class of codes using the Petz recovery map and note some interesting deviations from the qubit case.

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