Emergent Mind

A Study of Optimizations for Fine-tuning Large Language Models

Published Jun 4, 2024 in cs.LG


Fine-tuning LLMs is a popular choice among users trying to adapt them for specific applications. However, fine-tuning these models is a demanding task because the user has to examine several factors, such as resource budget, runtime, model size and context length among others. A specific challenge is that fine-tuning is memory intensive, imposing constraints on the required hardware memory and context length of training data that can be handled. In this work, we share a detailed study on a variety of fine-tuning optimizations across different fine-tuning scenarios. In particular, we assess Gradient Checkpointing, Low Rank Adaptation, DeepSpeed's ZeRO Redundancy Optimizer and Flash Attention. With a focus on memory and runtime, we examine the impact of different optimization combinations on GPU memory usage and execution runtime during fine-tuning phase. We provide recommendation on best default optimization for balancing memory and runtime across diverse model sizes. We share effective strategies for fine-tuning very large models with tens or hundreds of billions of parameters and enabling large context lengths during fine-tuning. Furthermore, we propose the appropriate optimization mixtures for fine-tuning under GPU resource limitations.

GPU memory and fine-tuning runtime for ZeRO-1, ZeRO-2, and ZeRO-3 in LLaMA-2 7B.


  • The paper examines various optimization techniques to tackle the significant computational and memory challenges posed by fine-tuning LLMs.

  • Different methods like Gradient Checkpointing, Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA), DeepSpeed's ZeRO Redundancy Optimizer, and Flash Attention are analyzed for their impact on memory efficiency and runtime performance.

  • Key findings indicate that techniques such as ZeRO-2 + LoRA, Gradient Checkpointing, and Flash Attention 2 can significantly decrease memory requirements and optimize runtime, enabling fine-tuning of models up to 180 billion parameters even on GPUs with limited memory.

Fine-tuning LLMs: A Comprehensive Study on Optimization Techniques

Fine-tuning LLMs presents significant computational and memory challenges, especially as the models grow in size. The research detailed in "A Study of Optimizations for Fine-tuning LLMs" by Arjun Singh et al. provides a rigorous examination of different optimization techniques to address these issues, focusing on memory efficiency and runtime performance. This paper assesses multiple optimization methods, including Gradient Checkpointing, Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA), DeepSpeed's ZeRO Redundancy Optimizer, and Flash Attention. The implications of this research offer valuable insights and practical guidelines for fine-tuning LLMs efficiently under various constraints.

Theoretical Framework

The paper begins with a theoretical framework for understanding GPU memory requirements during fine-tuning. It delineates three primary components contributing to GPU memory usage:

  1. Model states: Including model parameters, gradients, and optimizer states.
  2. Activations: Intermediate computational results.
  3. Temporary buffers and fragmentation.

The detailed analysis reveals that for large models, traditional full fine-tuning is often prohibitive in terms of memory consumption. For instance, fine-tuning a 7 billion parameter model in full precision requires 112 GB of GPU memory—far exceeding the capacity of most GPUs. The paper introduces memory reduction techniques and theoretical calculations, showing how optimized strategies can substantially alleviate these requirements, making the process feasible even for extremely large models.

Experimental Setup and Evaluation

Using a variety of model sizes from the LLaMA-2 and Falcon families, the authors explore the impact of different optimizations. The experiments were conducted using GPUs with varying memory capacities—specifically V100s with 32 GB and A100s with 80 GB. This diverse setup allows for an in-depth analysis of how each optimization technique performs under different hardware constraints.

Key Findings and Recommendations

The experiments conducted highlight several important conclusions:

  1. ZeRO-2 + LoRA provides an optimal default configuration for fine-tuning, balancing memory efficiency and runtime. LoRA's ability to reduce the number of trainable parameters significantly lowers memory requirements, while ZeRO-2's memory partitioning prevents excessive runtime overhead.
  2. Gradient Checkpointing (GC) is particularly effective for very large models. By saving a limited number of activations and recomputing others during the backward pass, GC helps conserve GPU memory, albeit with a moderate increase in runtime.
  3. Flash Attention 2 plays a crucial role in fine-tuning on contexts with long sequences. Although this optimization is only available on newer architectures like A100s, it significantly reduces memory consumption and compute time for long-context fine-tuning tasks.

The results demonstrate that the combination of ZeRO-3 + LoRA + GC allows for the successful fine-tuning of models up to 180 billion parameters, even on GPUs with limited memory.

Constraints and Fine-tuning Under Resource Limitations

The research also explore scenarios where hardware resources are constrained, such as limited GPU memory or a small number of available GPUs. The authors propose an optimization matrix tailored for various model sizes and context lengths, providing practical guidelines that can be applied to avoid out-of-memory failures while ensuring efficient fine-tuning. For example, ZeRO-3 becomes indispensable for models with tens or hundreds of billions of parameters, while enabling CPU off-loading can further mitigate memory constraints. Flash Attention 2 is recommended for architectures supporting this optimization to handle long context lengths effectively.

Implications and Future Work

This paper has significant implications for both the practical deployment and theoretical understanding of fine-tuning LLMs. The proposed optimization strategies can help democratize access to fine-tuning capabilities, allowing broader adoption of LLMs even in environments with limited computational resources.

Future work directions include integrating additional quantization methods such as 4-bit and 8-bit to further reduce memory requirements and exploring fine-tuning strategies for small language models (SLMs). Additionally, the study suggests further research into supporting larger context lengths, up to 128K, which could be beneficial for specific applications like extended dialogue and narrative generation.


In summary, Arjun Singh et al.'s study offers vital contributions to the field of fine-tuning LLMs. By providing detailed empirical analysis and practical recommendations, they address the critical challenges of memory consumption and runtime efficiency, paving the way for more scalable and accessible fine-tuning practices. This work stands as an essential reference for researchers and practitioners aiming to leverage LLMs in a resource-efficient manner.

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