Emergent Mind

On the Limitations of Fractal Dimension as a Measure of Generalization

Published Jun 4, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , math.DS , and stat.ML


Bounding and predicting the generalization gap of overparameterized neural networks remains a central open problem in theoretical machine learning. Neural network optimization trajectories have been proposed to possess fractal structure, leading to bounds and generalization measures based on notions of fractal dimension on these trajectories. Prominently, both the Hausdorff dimension and the persistent homology dimension have been proposed to correlate with generalization gap, thus serving as a measure of generalization. This work performs an extended evaluation of these topological generalization measures. We demonstrate that fractal dimension fails to predict generalization of models trained from poor initializations. We further identify that the $\ell2$ norm of the final parameter iterate, one of the simplest complexity measures in learning theory, correlates more strongly with the generalization gap than these notions of fractal dimension. Finally, our study reveals the intriguing manifestation of model-wise double descent in persistent homology-based generalization measures. This work lays the ground for a deeper investigation of the causal relationships between fractal geometry, topological data analysis, and neural network optimization.

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