Emergent Mind

Almost linear time differentially private release of synthetic graphs

Published Jun 4, 2024 in cs.CR , cs.DS , and cs.LG


In this paper, we give an almost linear time and space algorithms to sample from an exponential mechanism with an $\ell_1$-score function defined over an exponentially large non-convex set. As a direct result, on input an $n$ vertex $m$ edges graph $G$, we present the \textit{first} $\widetilde{O}(m)$ time and $O(m)$ space algorithms for differentially privately outputting an $n$ vertex $O(m)$ edges synthetic graph that approximates all the cuts and the spectrum of $G$. These are the \emph{first} private algorithms for releasing synthetic graphs that nearly match this task's time and space complexity in the non-private setting while achieving the same (or better) utility as the previous works in the more practical sparse regime. Additionally, our algorithms can be extended to private graph analysis under continual observation.

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