Emergent Mind

Dishonesty in Helpful and Harmless Alignment

Published Jun 4, 2024 in cs.CL


People tell lies when seeking rewards. LLMs are aligned to human values with reinforcement learning where they get rewards if they satisfy human preference. We find that this also induces dishonesty in helpful and harmless alignment where LLMs tell lies in generating harmless responses. Using the latest interpreting tools, we detect dishonesty, show how LLMs can be harmful if their honesty is increased, and analyze such conflicts at the parameter-level. Given these preliminaries and the hypothesis that reward-seeking stimulates dishonesty, we theoretically show that the dishonesty can in-turn decrease the alignment performances and augment reward-seeking alignment with representation regularization. Extensive results, including GPT-4 annotated win-rates, perplexities, and cases studies demonstrate that we can train more honest, helpful, and harmless LLMs. We will make all our codes and results be open-sourced upon this paper's acceptance.

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