Emergent Mind

TSpec-LLM: An Open-source Dataset for LLM Understanding of 3GPP Specifications

Published Jun 3, 2024 in cs.NI , cs.IT , eess.SP , and math.IT


Understanding telecom standards involves sorting through numerous technical documents, such as those produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. While LLMs can assist with the extensive 3GPP knowledge base, an inclusive dataset is crucial for their effective pre-training and fine-tuning. In this paper, we introduce \textit{TSpec-LLM}, an open-source comprehensive dataset covering all 3GPP documents from Release 8 to Release 19 (1999--2023). To evaluate its efficacy, we first select a representative sample of 3GPP documents, create corresponding technical questions, and assess the baseline performance of various LLMs. We then incorporate a retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) framework to enhance LLM capabilities by retrieving relevant context from the \textit{TSpec-LLM} dataset. Our evaluation shows that using a naive-RAG framework on \textit{TSpec-LLM} improves the accuracy of GPT-3.5, Gemini 1.0 Pro, and GPT-4 from 44\%, 46\%, and 51\% to 71\%, 75\%, and 72\%, respectively.

TSpec-LLM dataset content with simulation parameters from 3GPP Table 7.8-2.


  • The paper introduces TSpec-LLM, a comprehensive dataset covering 3GPP documents from Release 8 to 19, designed to enhance LLMs for telecommunications tasks.

  • Key contributions include the dataset's extensive coverage, preservation of detailed content, open-source availability, automated questionnaire generation with GPT-4 API, and significant performance improvements using a naive-RAG framework.

  • Evaluation results show marked accuracy improvements across all difficulty levels compared to baseline models and other benchmarks, highlighting the dataset's practical implications for telecommunications and academia.

TSpec-LLM: An In-Depth Analysis of a Telecommunications Dataset for LLMs


The paper "TSpec-LLM: An Open-source Dataset for LLM Understanding of 3GPP Specifications" introduces a comprehensive dataset, TSpec-LLM, designed to enhance the processing and understanding capabilities of LLMs in the context of 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standards. This dataset encompasses all 3GPP documents from Release 8 to Release 19 (spanning 1999 to 2023) and is structured to facilitate the training and fine-tuning of LLMs specifically for telecommunications tasks.

Main Contributions

The paper presents several key contributions, which can be summarized as follows:

TSpec-LLM Dataset:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: The dataset includes all 3GPP documents from Release 8 to Release 19, totaling 13.5 GB of data with 30,137 documents and 535 million words.
  • Detailed Content Preservation: Unlike previous efforts, TSpec-LLM retains original content from tables and formulas within 3GPP specifications, ensuring that essential technical details are not lost.
  • Open-Source Availability: The dataset, along with the associated questionnaire and prompts, is available open-source, encouraging further research and development in this domain.

Automated Questionnaire Generation:

  • The authors developed a method to automatically generate technical questions from 3GPP documents using GPT-4 API, followed by validation using the open-source Mixture of Experts model Mistral and human verification. This ensures a robust set of test questions for evaluating LLM performance.

Performance Assessment and Enhancement:

  • The study assessed the baseline performance of various LLMs like GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and Gemini Pro 1.0 on domain-specific questions. The baseline accuracy was noted to be 44\%, 51\%, and 46\%, respectively.
  • The authors proposed a naive-RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) framework, which significantly improved the performance of these models, boosting their accuracy to 71\%, 75\%, and 72\%, respectively.

Evaluation and Results

The evaluation followed a meticulous methodology:

  1. Utilizing TSpec-LLM for RAG:

    • Documents are divided into manageable chunks which are then embedded into a vector space for efficient similarity searches using Google's semantic retrieval model.
    • When a user query is processed, the RAG framework retrieves the most relevant chunks and integrates them into the LLM's processing window, significantly enhancing the model's accuracy in answering technical questions.
  2. Accuracy by Category:

    • The naive-RAG framework showed substantial improvements across all difficulty levels (easy, intermediate, and hard). For hard questions, baseline models struggled (16-36\% accuracy), whereas RAG boosted performance to 66\%.
  3. Comparison with SPEC5G:

    • The TSpec-LLM dataset demonstrated superior performance over SPEC5G, showcasing the importance of retaining detailed content from original 3GPP documents. TSpec-LLM with RAG achieved an overall accuracy of 75\%, compared to 60\% with SPEC5G.

Implications and Future Directions

Practical Implications:

  • The TSpec-LLM dataset is poised to be a valuable resource for the telecommunications industry and academia, facilitating the development of domain-specific LLMs.
  • The improvements shown by incorporating RAG frameworks signal potential for deploying such systems in real-world applications, reducing the labor and time involved in understanding complex telecom standards.

Theoretical Implications:

  • This study underscores the necessity of well-structured, comprehensive datasets in enhancing the performance of LLMs in specialized domains.
  • By demonstrating the efficacy of RAG frameworks, it opens avenues for further research into optimizing retrieval strategies and indexing methods tailored to domain-specific tasks.

Future Developments:

  • Future work will involve refining the indexing strategies within RAG frameworks to ensure higher retrieval quality and accuracy.
  • Expanding the questionnaire and enhancing the fine-tuning process of smaller open-source models, such as Phi3, using TSpec-LLM will be crucial for developing robust, telecom-specific LLMs.
  • The deployment of these fine-tuned models using efficient inference libraries could further broaden their accessibility and utility in browser-based applications.


The TSpec-LLM dataset represents a significant advancement in the application of LLMs within telecommunications. The thorough evaluation and the marked performance improvements via the naive-RAG framework emphasize the dataset's potential. This study lays a solid foundation for future research and practical implementations aimed at leveraging LLMs for better understanding and managing the extensive 3GPP standards.

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