Emergent Mind


Previous research demonstrates that the interruption of immersive experiences may lead to a bias in the results of questionnaires. Thus, the traditional way of presenting questionnaires, paper-based or web-based, may not be compatible with evaluating VR experiences. Recent research has shown the positive impact of embedding questionnaires contextually into the virtual environment. However, a comprehensive overview of the available VR questionnaire solutions is currently missing. Furthermore, no clear taxonomy exists for these different solutions in the literature. To address this, we present a literature review of VR questionnaire user interfaces (UI) following PRISMA guidelines. Our search returned 1.109 initial results, which were screened for eligibility, resulting in a corpus of 25 papers. This paper contributes to HCI and games research with a literature review of embedded questionnaires in VR, discussing the advantages and disadvantages and introducing a taxonomy of in-VR questionnaire UIs.

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