Emergent Mind

Scalable Ensembling For Mitigating Reward Overoptimisation

Published Jun 3, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.CL


Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) has enabled significant advancements within language modeling for powerful, instruction-following models. However, the alignment of these models remains a pressing challenge as the policy tends to overfit the learned proxy" reward model past an inflection point of utility as measured by agold" reward model that is more performant -- a phenomenon known as \textit{over-optimization}. Prior work has mitigated this issue by computing a pessimistic statistic over an ensemble of reward models, which is common in Offline Reinforcement Learning but incredibly costly for language models with high memory requirements, making such approaches infeasible for sufficiently large models. To this end, we propose using a shared encoder but separate linear heads. We find this leads to similar performance as the full ensemble while allowing tremendous savings in memory and time required for training for models of similar size. \end{abstract}

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