Emergent Mind

Dragonfly: Multi-Resolution Zoom Supercharges Large Visual-Language Model

Published Jun 3, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.AI


Recent advances in large multimodal models (LMMs) suggest that higher image resolution enhances the fine-grained understanding of image details, crucial for tasks such as visual commonsense reasoning and analyzing biomedical images. However, increasing input resolution poses two main challenges: 1) It extends the context length required by the language model, leading to inefficiencies and hitting the model's context limit; 2) It increases the complexity of visual features, necessitating more training data or more complex architecture. We introduce Dragonfly, a new LMM architecture that enhances fine-grained visual understanding and reasoning about image regions to address these challenges. Dragonfly employs two key strategies: multi-resolution visual encoding and zoom-in patch selection. These strategies allow the model to process high-resolution images efficiently while maintaining reasonable context length. Our experiments on eight popular benchmarks demonstrate that Dragonfly achieves competitive or better performance compared to other architectures, highlighting the effectiveness of our design. Additionally, we finetuned Dragonfly on biomedical instructions, achieving state-of-the-art results on multiple biomedical tasks requiring fine-grained visual understanding, including 92.3% accuracy on the Path-VQA dataset (compared to 83.3% for Med-Gemini) and the highest reported results on biomedical image captioning. To support model training, we curated a visual instruction-tuning dataset with 5.5 million image-instruction samples in the general domain and 1.4 million samples in the biomedical domain. We also conducted ablation studies to characterize the impact of various architectural designs and image resolutions, providing insights for future research on visual instruction alignment. The codebase and model are available at https://github.com/togethercomputer/Dragonfly.

Proposed Dragonfly architecture, showcasing its module interactions and overall system workflow.


  • The Dragonfly model introduces multi-resolution visual encoding and zoom-in patch selection to enhance fine-grained visual understanding for large visual-language models, addressing the issue of information loss in high-resolution images.

  • Dragonfly achieves significant performance improvements on multiple benchmarks, such as a 92.3% accuracy on the Path-VQA dataset, surpassing previous models by a significant margin.

  • The model's advanced architecture shows promising applications in biomedical diagnostics and proposes future research directions in optimizing visual encoder strategies and improving efficiency in vision-language models.

An Expert Review of the Paper "Dragonfly: Multi-Resolution Zoom Supercharges Large Visual-Language Model"

The paper "Dragonfly: Multi-Resolution Zoom Supercharges Large Visual-Language Model" introduces a Large Multimodal Model (LMM) architecture named Dragonfly, designed to enhance fine-grained visual understanding and reasoning about image regions. This paper addresses a significant limitation in existing LMMs, which often downsample high-resolution images, leading to the loss of critical visual information necessary for tasks such as visual commonsense reasoning and biomedical image analysis.

Technical Contributions

The authors highlight two key strategies in the Dragonfly architecture:

  1. Multi-Resolution Visual Encoding: This method involves resizing the original input image into three distinct resolutions (low, medium, and high), allowing the model to capture both abstract and detailed visual information. Each resolution is encoded into visual tokens by a shared vision encoder and then projected into the language model's latent space.
  2. Zoom-In Patch Selection: The selective approach focuses on high-resolution image patches that are semantically relevant to the query or task at hand. This helps eliminate redundant patches and emphasizes critical regions of the image, thereby maintaining model efficiency and reducing noise.

Experimental Results

The authors validate the efficacy of Dragonfly through rigorous experimentation on eight popular benchmarks. Notable numerical results include achieving 92.3% accuracy on the Path-VQA dataset, surpassing the previous best of 83.3% achieved by Med-Gemini, and the highest reported performance on biomedical image captioning. Dragonfly significantly outperformed its baselines on benchmarks such as AI2D and ScienceQA, demonstrating its superior visual reasoning capabilities.

Implications and Future Developments

The practical implications of Dragonfly's architecture are substantial. In the biomedical domain, the model's adeptness at understanding fine-grained visual details promises advancements in diagnostic tools and medical data interpretation. Theoretical implications suggest that the multi-resolution and selective patch strategies could influence future research on visual instruction alignment and vision-language model efficiency.

The paper also opens avenues for future AI research, particularly in improving selection strategies during vision-language pretraining. Further research could explore more sophisticated visual encoders and the application of Dragonfly's selective techniques to broader AI tasks. Additionally, optimizing the selection ratio to balance capturing fine details and maintaining image context remains an intriguing challenge.


In conclusion, the paper presents a well-founded and technically effective solution to overcoming the limitations of existing LMMs in processing high-resolution images. With its significant performance improvements on various benchmarks, particularly in fine-grained visual tasks, Dragonfly sets a new standard for LMM architectures. The practical applications in the biomedical field and the potential generalization to other domains underscore the model's versatility and impact.

The codebase and model are available, providing a valuable resource for the research community to build upon this innovative work.

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