Emergent Mind


An instance of the Stable Roommates problem involves a set of agents, each with ordinal preferences over the others. We seek a stable matching, in which no two agents have an incentive to deviate from their assignment. It is well known that a stable matching is unlikely to exist for instances with a large number of agents. However, stable partitions always exist and provide a succinct certificate for the unsolvability of an instance, although their significance extends beyond this. They are also a useful structural tool to study the problem and correspond to half-matchings in which the agents are in a stable equilibrium. In this paper, we investigate the stable partition structure further and show how to efficiently enumerate all stable partitions and the cycles included in such structures. Furthermore, we adapt known fairness and optimality criteria from stable matchings to stable partitions. As there can be an exponential number of stable partitions, we investigate the complexity of computing different "fair" and "optimal" stable partitions directly. While a minimum-regret stable partition always exists and can be computed in linear time, we prove the NP-hardness of finding five other kinds of stable partitions that are "optimal" regarding their profile (measuring the number of first, second, third, etc., choices assigned). Furthermore, we give 2-approximation algorithms for two of the optimal stable partition problems and show the inapproximability within any constant factor for another. Through this research, we contribute to a deeper understanding of stable partitions from a combinatorial and complexity point of view, closing the gap between integral and fractional stable matchings.

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