Emergent Mind

Recurrent neural networks: vanishing and exploding gradients are not the end of the story

Published May 31, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and math.OC


Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) notoriously struggle to learn long-term memories, primarily due to vanishing and exploding gradients. The recent success of state-space models (SSMs), a subclass of RNNs, to overcome such difficulties challenges our theoretical understanding. In this paper, we delve into the optimization challenges of RNNs and discover that, as the memory of a network increases, changes in its parameters result in increasingly large output variations, making gradient-based learning highly sensitive, even without exploding gradients. Our analysis further reveals the importance of the element-wise recurrence design pattern combined with careful parametrizations in mitigating this effect. This feature is present in SSMs, as well as in other architectures, such as LSTMs. Overall, our insights provide a new explanation for some of the difficulties in gradient-based learning of RNNs and why some architectures perform better than others.

Signal propagation in deep recurrent networks at initialization is consistent with the theory.


  • The paper identifies a phenomenon called the 'curse of memory,' which arises in Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) as the memory lengthens, making the hidden states highly sensitive to parameter changes.

  • Traditional methods to address vanishing and exploding gradients, such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs), are revisited, and new mitigation strategies like reparameterization and normalization techniques are explored.

  • Empirical and numerical analyses are provided to demonstrate the impact of the curse of memory on RNN architectures, revealing that stable variance and sensitivity management are crucial for efficient long-term dependency learning.

Recurrent Neural Networks: Vanishing and Exploding Gradients Are Not the End of the Story

The paper addresses the well-known optimization challenges faced when training Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) due to vanishing and exploding gradients. While the recent success of State-Space Models (SSMs), a subclass of RNNs, in overcoming these challenges has provided empirical evidence of effective mitigation strategies, the theoretical foundations remain inadequately explored.

Core Insights

This work provides new insights into why RNNs struggle with long-term memory learning, suggesting that the conventional issues of vanishing and exploding gradients are insufficient to fully explain the difficulties encountered. Specifically, the authors identify a phenomenon they term the "curse of memory." This phenomenon arises because, as the memory of the network increases, the hidden states become more sensitive to parameter changes, causing optimization sensitivity to spike significantly.

Key Contributions

  1. Vanishing and Exploding Gradients Revisited:

    • The classical constraints on gradient propagation through RNNs' hidden states have driven the design of architectures like Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs), along with strategies such as gradient clipping and orthogonal weight matrices.
    • Traditional approaches focused on controlling the norms of gradients to prevent them from diminishing to zero or escalating to infinity as they traverse long sequences.
  2. Curse of Memory:

    • The "curse of memory" reveals itself as recurrent networks retain longer memories, making the hidden state trajectory hypersensitive to changes in its parameters. This hypersensitivity emerges even in stable dynamics where exploding gradients are theoretically absent.
    • The analysis in the paper utilizes the sensitivity of the hidden state concerning network parameters, revealing that the resulting optimization landscape becomes increasingly challenging as the memory lengthens.
  3. Empirical Analysis and Numerical Results:

    • The paper presents a detailed empirical analysis of the impact of the curse of memory on both simple and more complex RNN architectures.
    • Notably, the variance and sensitivity of the hidden states as functions of the memory parameter are calculated and visualized, indicating significant sensitivity increases as memory retention grows.
  4. Mitigation Strategies:

    • The paper explores how reparameterization and normalization techniques can help attenuate these optimization complexities.
    • For instance, employing input normalization strategies like scaling the hidden state updates to maintain stable variance and sensitivity measures across different memory lengths.
    • Reparameterizing the recurrent weights such that their sensitivity to parameter updates remains controlled appears to be critical.
  5. Architectural Insights:

    • The study elucidates why certain architectures like SSMs and LSTMs may outperform others. These architectures inherently incorporate mechanisms such as diagonalization of recurrent connections and gating mechanisms to manage long-term dependencies more effectively.
    • The designs of these architectures imbue them with the flexibility to adjust their hidden states in a manner that mitigates gradient sensitivity even when encoding longer time dependencies.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

Practically, the findings guide the development of more robust RNN architectures capable of learning longer-term dependencies without falling prey to optimization bottlenecks. Theoretically, the paper contributes to a deeper understanding of the limitations posed by gradient-based learning in recurrent frameworks, advocating for fundamental architectural modifications and parameterizations to overcome these challenges.

Future Directions

Future investigations may further refine the understanding of the curse of memory within nonlinear and more complex network structures. Specific architectural modifications, such as combining state-space representations with adaptive gating mechanisms, are promising avenues for development. The intersection between theoretical insights and empirical strategies can uncover more effective ways to train deep recurrent networks for tasks necessitating long-term dependency learning, such as sequence modeling in natural language processing and time-series forecasting.

In summary, this paper extends the breadth of our understanding of RNN optimization by elucidating the curse of memory and providing both theoretical and empirical pathways to mitigate it, thereby paving the way for more effective RNN training methodologies.


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