Emergent Mind


Monitoring sleep states is essential for evaluating sleep quality and diagnosing sleep disorders. Traditional manual staging is time-consuming and prone to subjective bias, often resulting in inconsistent outcomes. Here, we developed an automated model for sleep staging and disorder classification to enhance diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. Considering the characteristics of polysomnography (PSG) multi-lead sleep monitoring, we designed a multimodal sleep state classification model, MSSC-BiMamba, that combines an Efficient Channel Attention (ECA) mechanism with a Bidirectional State Space Model (BSSM). The ECA module allows for weighting data from different sensor channels, thereby amplifying the influence of diverse sensor inputs. Additionally, the implementation of bidirectional Mamba (BiMamba) enables the model to effectively capture the multidimensional features and long-range dependencies of PSG data. The developed model demonstrated impressive performance on sleep stage classification tasks on both the ISRUC-S3 and ISRUC-S1 datasets, respectively containing data with healthy and unhealthy sleep patterns. Also, the model exhibited a high accuracy for sleep health prediction when evaluated on a combined dataset consisting of ISRUC and Sleep-EDF. Our model, which can effectively handle diverse sleep conditions, is the first to apply BiMamba to sleep staging with multimodal PSG data, showing substantial gains in computational and memory efficiency over traditional Transformer-style models. This method enhances sleep health management by making monitoring more accessible and extending advanced healthcare through innovative technology.

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