Emergent Mind


Following the advent of the AI era of large models, Multimodal LLMs (MLLMs) with the ability to understand cross-modal interactions between vision and text have attracted wide attention. Adversarial examples with human-imperceptible perturbation are shown to possess a characteristic known as transferability, which means that a perturbation generated by one model could also mislead another different model. Augmenting the diversity in input data is one of the most significant methods for enhancing adversarial transferability. This method has been certified as a way to significantly enlarge the threat impact under black-box conditions. Research works also demonstrate that MLLMs can be exploited to generate adversarial examples in the white-box scenario. However, the adversarial transferability of such perturbations is quite limited, failing to achieve effective black-box attacks across different models. In this paper, we propose the Typographic-based Semantic Transfer Attack (TSTA), which is inspired by: (1) MLLMs tend to process semantic-level information; (2) Typographic Attack could effectively distract the visual information captured by MLLMs. In the scenarios of Harmful Word Insertion and Important Information Protection, our TSTA demonstrates superior performance.

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