Emergent Mind


The advancement of LLMs has propelled the development of dialogue systems. Unlike the popular ChatGPT-like assistant model, which only satisfies the user's preferences, task-oriented dialogue systems have also faced new requirements and challenges in the broader business field. They are expected to provide correct responses at each dialogue turn, at the same time, achieve the overall goal defined by the task. By understanding rhetorical structures and topic structures via topic segmentation and discourse parsing, a dialogue system may do a better planning to achieve both objectives. However, while both structures belong to discourse structure in linguistics, rhetorical structure and topic structure are mostly modeled separately or with one assisting the other in the prior work. The interaction between these two structures has not been considered for joint modeling and mutual learning. Furthermore, unsupervised learning techniques to achieve the above are not well explored. To fill this gap, we propose an unsupervised mutual learning framework of two structures leveraging the global and local connections between them. We extend the topic modeling between non-adjacent discourse units to ensure global structural relevance with rhetorical structures. We also incorporate rhetorical structures into the topic structure through a graph neural network model to ensure local coherence consistency. Finally, we utilize the similarity between the two fused structures for mutual learning. The experimental results demonstrate that our methods outperform all strong baselines on two dialogue rhetorical datasets (STAC and Molweni), as well as dialogue topic datasets (Doc2Dial and TIAGE). We provide our code at https://github.com/Jeff-Sue/URT.

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