Emergent Mind


Existing few-shot segmentation (FSS) only considers learning support-query correlation and segmenting unseen categories under the precise pixel masks. However, the cost of a large number of pixel masks during training is expensive. This paper considers a more challenging scenario, weakly-supervised few-shot segmentation (WS-FSS), which only provides category ($i.e.$ image-level) labels. It requires the model to learn robust support-query information when the generated mask is inaccurate. In this work, we design a Correlation Enhancement Network (CORENet) with foundation model, which utilizes multi-information guidance to learn robust correlation. Specifically, correlation-guided transformer (CGT) utilizes self-supervised ViT tokens to learn robust correlation from both local and global perspectives. From the perspective of semantic categories, the class-guided module (CGM) guides the model to locate valuable correlations through the pre-trained CLIP. Finally, the embedding-guided module (EGM) implicitly guides the model to supplement the inevitable information loss during the correlation learning by the original appearance embedding and finally generates the query mask. Extensive experiments on PASCAL-5$i$ and COCO-20$i$ have shown that CORENet exhibits excellent performance compared to existing methods.

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