Emergent Mind

On the Convergence of Multi-objective Optimization under Generalized Smoothness

Published May 29, 2024 in cs.LG , math.OC , and stat.ML


Multi-objective optimization (MOO) is receiving more attention in various fields such as multi-task learning. Recent works provide some effective algorithms with theoretical analysis but they are limited by the standard $L$-smooth or bounded-gradient assumptions, which are typically unsatisfactory for neural networks, such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and transformers. In this paper, we study a more general and realistic class of $\ell$-smooth loss functions, where $\ell$ is a general non-decreasing function of gradient norm. We develop two novel single-loop algorithms for $\ell$-smooth MOO problems, Generalized Smooth Multi-objective Gradient descent (GSMGrad) and its stochastic variant, Stochastic Generalized Smooth Multi-objective Gradient descent (SGSMGrad), which approximate the conflict-avoidant (CA) direction that maximizes the minimum improvement among objectives. We provide a comprehensive convergence analysis of both algorithms and show that they converge to an $\epsilon$-accurate Pareto stationary point with a guaranteed $\epsilon$-level average CA distance (i.e., the gap between the updating direction and the CA direction) over all iterations, where totally $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon{-2})$ and $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon{-4})$ samples are needed for deterministic and stochastic settings, respectively. Our algorithms can also guarantee a tighter $\epsilon$-level CA distance in each iteration using more samples. Moreover, we propose a practical variant of GSMGrad named GSMGrad-FA using only constant-level time and space, while achieving the same performance guarantee as GSMGrad. Our experiments validate our theory and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

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