Emergent Mind

LetsMap: Unsupervised Representation Learning for Semantic BEV Mapping

Published May 29, 2024 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.RO


Semantic Bird's Eye View (BEV) maps offer a rich representation with strong occlusion reasoning for various decision making tasks in autonomous driving. However, most BEV mapping approaches employ a fully supervised learning paradigm that relies on large amounts of human-annotated BEV ground truth data. In this work, we address this limitation by proposing the first unsupervised representation learning approach to generate semantic BEV maps from a monocular frontal view (FV) image in a label-efficient manner. Our approach pretrains the network to independently reason about scene geometry and scene semantics using two disjoint neural pathways in an unsupervised manner and then finetunes it for the task of semantic BEV mapping using only a small fraction of labels in the BEV. We achieve label-free pretraining by exploiting spatial and temporal consistency of FV images to learn scene geometry while relying on a novel temporal masked autoencoder formulation to encode the scene representation. Extensive evaluations on the KITTI-360 and nuScenes datasets demonstrate that our approach performs on par with the existing state-of-the-art approaches while using only 1% of BEV labels and no additional labeled data.

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