Emergent Mind


This article introduces a new asynchronous Byzantine-tolerant asset transfer system (cryptocurrency) with three noteworthy properties: quasi-anonymity, lightness, and consensus-freedom. Quasi-anonymity means no information is leaked regarding the receivers and amounts of the asset transfers. Lightness means that the underlying cryptographic schemes are \textit{succinct}, and each process only stores data polylogarithmic in the number of its own transfers.Consensus-freedom means the system does not rely on a total order of asset transfers. The proposed algorithm is the first asset transfer system that simultaneously fulfills all these properties in the presence of asynchrony and Byzantine processes. To obtain them, the paper adopts a modular approach combining a new distributed object called agreement proofs and well-known techniques such as vector commitments, universal accumulators, and zero-knowledge proofs. The paper also presents a new non-trivial universal accumulator implementation that does not need knowledge of the underlying accumulated set to generate (non-)membership proofs, which could benefit other crypto-based applications.

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