Emergent Mind

DMT-JEPA: Discriminative Masked Targets for Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture

Published May 28, 2024 in cs.CV , cs.AI , cs.LG , and eess.IV


The joint-embedding predictive architecture (JEPA) recently has shown impressive results in extracting visual representations from unlabeled imagery under a masking strategy. However, we reveal its disadvantages, notably its insufficient understanding of local semantics. This deficiency originates from masked modeling in the embedding space, resulting in a reduction of discriminative power and can even lead to the neglect of critical local semantics. To bridge this gap, we introduce DMT-JEPA, a novel masked modeling objective rooted in JEPA, specifically designed to generate discriminative latent targets from neighboring information. Our key idea is simple: we consider a set of semantically similar neighboring patches as a target of a masked patch. To be specific, the proposed DMT-JEPA (a) computes feature similarities between each masked patch and its corresponding neighboring patches to select patches having semantically meaningful relations, and (b) employs lightweight cross-attention heads to aggregate features of neighboring patches as the masked targets. Consequently, DMT-JEPA demonstrates strong discriminative power, offering benefits across a diverse spectrum of downstream tasks. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate our effectiveness across various visual benchmarks, including ImageNet-1K image classification, ADE20K semantic segmentation, and COCO object detection tasks. Code is available at: \url{https://github.com/DMTJEPA/DMTJEPA}.

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