Emergent Mind

Tensor Low-rank Approximation of Finite-horizon Value Functions

Published May 27, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.AI


The goal of reinforcement learning is estimating a policy that maps states to actions and maximizes the cumulative reward of a Markov Decision Process (MDP). This is oftentimes achieved by estimating first the optimal (reward) value function (VF) associated with each state-action pair. When the MDP has an infinite horizon, the optimal VFs and policies are stationary under mild conditions. However, in finite-horizon MDPs, the VFs (hence, the policies) vary with time. This poses a challenge since the number of VFs to estimate grows not only with the size of the state-action space but also with the time horizon. This paper proposes a non-parametric low-rank stochastic algorithm to approximate the VFs of finite-horizon MDPs. First, we represent the (unknown) VFs as a multi-dimensional array, or tensor, where time is one of the dimensions. Then, we use rewards sampled from the MDP to estimate the optimal VFs. More precisely, we use the (truncated) PARAFAC decomposition to design an online low-rank algorithm that recovers the entries of the tensor of VFs. The size of the low-rank PARAFAC model grows additively with respect to each of its dimensions, rendering our approach efficient, as demonstrated via numerical experiments.

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