Emergent Mind

Matrix Low-Rank Approximation For Policy Gradient Methods

Published May 27, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.AI


Estimating a policy that maps states to actions is a central problem in reinforcement learning. Traditionally, policies are inferred from the so called value functions (VFs), but exact VF computation suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Policy gradient (PG) methods bypass this by learning directly a parametric stochastic policy. Typically, the parameters of the policy are estimated using neural networks (NNs) tuned via stochastic gradient descent. However, finding adequate NN architectures can be challenging, and convergence issues are common as well. In this paper, we put forth low-rank matrix-based models to estimate efficiently the parameters of PG algorithms. We collect the parameters of the stochastic policy into a matrix, and then, we leverage matrix-completion techniques to promote (enforce) low rank. We demonstrate via numerical studies how low-rank matrix-based policy models reduce the computational and sample complexities relative to NN models, while achieving a similar aggregated reward.

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