Emergent Mind

Calibrated Dataset Condensation for Faster Hyperparameter Search

Published May 27, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and stat.ML


Dataset condensation can be used to reduce the computational cost of training multiple models on a large dataset by condensing the training dataset into a small synthetic set. State-of-the-art approaches rely on matching the model gradients between the real and synthetic data. However, there is no theoretical guarantee of the generalizability of the condensed data: data condensation often generalizes poorly across hyperparameters/architectures in practice. This paper considers a different condensation objective specifically geared toward hyperparameter search. We aim to generate a synthetic validation dataset so that the validation-performance rankings of the models, with different hyperparameters, on the condensed and original datasets are comparable. We propose a novel hyperparameter-calibrated dataset condensation (HCDC) algorithm, which obtains the synthetic validation dataset by matching the hyperparameter gradients computed via implicit differentiation and efficient inverse Hessian approximation. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed framework effectively maintains the validation-performance rankings of models and speeds up hyperparameter/architecture search for tasks on both images and graphs.

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