Emergent Mind


When a neural network can learn multiple distinct algorithms to solve a task, how does it "choose" between them during training? To approach this question, we take inspiration from ecology: when multiple species coexist, they eventually reach an equilibrium where some survive while others die out. Analogously, we suggest that a neural network at initialization contains many solutions (representations and algorithms), which compete with each other under pressure from resource constraints, with the "fittest" ultimately prevailing. To investigate this Survival of the Fittest hypothesis, we conduct a case study on neural networks performing modular addition, and find that these networks' multiple circular representations at different Fourier frequencies undergo such competitive dynamics, with only a few circles surviving at the end. We find that the frequencies with high initial signals and gradients, the "fittest," are more likely to survive. By increasing the embedding dimension, we also observe more surviving frequencies. Inspired by the Lotka-Volterra equations describing the dynamics between species, we find that the dynamics of the circles can be nicely characterized by a set of linear differential equations. Our results with modular addition show that it is possible to decompose complicated representations into simpler components, along with their basic interactions, to offer insight on the training dynamics of representations.

Fourier transform analysis of embedding, initialization, signal evolution, and effects on learned circles.


  • The paper investigates how neural networks select between multiple distinct representations during training, drawing an analogy to ecological systems where species compete for limited resources.

  • Key findings include that neural networks at initialization contain multiple potential solutions which compete during training, and only those representations with higher initial signals and gradients are more likely to survive.

  • The study employs linear differential equations to model these dynamics and shows that increases in embedding dimensions allow more frequencies to survive, akin to more resource availability in ecological systems.

Analysis and Insights on "Survival of the Fittest: A Study on Training Dynamics of Neural Networks"

In this paper, the authors explore how neural networks select between multiple distinct representations during training. They draw an analogy between this process and ecological systems where species compete for limited resources, described as the "Survival of the Fittest" hypothesis. To investigate this, the authors conduct a case study on neural networks performing modular addition, focusing on the evolution of circular representations at different Fourier frequencies within the embedding layer.

Key Contributions and Findings

The paper addresses several foundational questions in mechanistic interpretability and training dynamics of neural networks, specifically:

  1. Initial Representation Abundance: The study suggests that neural networks at initialization contain multiple potential solutions that subsequently compete during training. This notion is analogous to species in an ecosystem competing for finite resources.
  2. Survival Mechanism: It is observed that among the various circular representations—interpreted through their Fourier frequencies—only a select few survive the training process. Specifically, the frequencies that exhibit higher initial signals and gradients are more likely to survive, signifying that they are the "fittest."
  3. Impact of Embedding Dimension: The research shows that increasing the embedding dimension allows more frequencies to survive. This is tied to the concept of resource availability in ecological terms. Larger embeddings provide more "resources," supporting a greater number of surviving frequencies.
  4. Modeling Dynamics with Differential Equations: The dynamical behavior of these circles can be captured using linear differential equations. This aligns with the inspiration from the Lotka-Volterra equations in ecology, allowing a linear model to effectively characterize the interactions and evolution of these circles.

Numerical Results and Insights

The study presents several numerical results supporting their claims:

  • Initial Signal and Gradient Analysis: There is a strong linear correlation (Pearson correlation of 0.85, p < 10{-3}) between the initial signal of a frequency and its survival rate. Frequencies with higher initial gradients also have a higher likelihood of surviving, corroborating the hypothesis of "fitness."
  • Impact of Dimensionality: By varying the embedding dimension and the number of tokens (p), the authors show a clear positive correlation between resource availability (embedding dimension) and the number of surviving frequencies. This reinforces the analogy with ecological systems.
  • Ablation Studies and Cooperative Dynamics: Through ablation studies, it is shown that multiple circular representations (generally three) are necessary for the neural network to perform modular addition effectively. This implies that these circles are not only competing but also cooperating to solve the task.
  • Linear Differential Equations: The paper successfully models the evolution dynamics of the circular representations using linear differential equations. The coefficients for these models were determined using linear and Lasso regressions, demonstrating high accuracy and sparse interaction matrices.

Implications and Future Directions

The findings of this paper have significant implications for both theoretical and practical aspects of neural network training and interpretability:

  • Theoretical Understanding: The ability to decompose high-dimensional, complex embeddings into simpler circular representations that follow well-defined dynamics enhances our understanding of neural network training. This framework can potentially be extended to more complex tasks and larger models.
  • Practical Applications: By understanding which initial representations are likely to survive, practitioners can design more efficient training regimes and architectures. Knowledge of training dynamics can lead to the development of neural networks with desired properties, such as improved robustness and interpretability.
  • Extending to Other Tasks: Future research could explore the application of this framework to other algorithmic tasks and real-world problems, testing the generalizability of the "Survival of the Fittest" hypothesis in neural network training.


This paper contributes significantly to the field of mechanistic interpretability and training dynamics by proposing a novel analogy between neural network training and ecological survival dynamics. Through rigorous experiments, numerical analysis, and modeling, the authors provide deep insights into how neural networks select and evolve representations during training. Although focusing on the modular addition task, the methodologies and findings have broader potential applications, paving the way for more comprehensive studies on neural network training dynamics.

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