Emergent Mind


In-context learning (ICL) facilitates LLMs exhibiting spectacular emergent capabilities in various scenarios. Unfortunately, introducing demonstrations easily makes the prompt length explode, bringing a significant burden to hardware. In addition, random demonstrations usually achieve limited improvements in ICL, necessitating demonstration selection among accessible candidates. Previous studies introduce extra modules to perform demonstration compression or selection independently. In this paper, we propose an ICL framework UniICL, which Unifies demonstration selection and compression, and final response generation via a single frozen LLM. Specifically, UniICL first projects actual demonstrations and inference text inputs into short virtual tokens, respectively. Then, virtual tokens are applied to select suitable demonstrations by measuring semantic similarity within latent space among candidate demonstrations and inference input. Finally, inference text inputs together with selected virtual demonstrations are fed into the same frozen LLM for response generation. Notably, UniICL is a parameter-efficient framework that only contains 17M trainable parameters originating from the projection layer. We conduct experiments and analysis over in- and out-domain datasets of both generative and understanding tasks, encompassing ICL scenarios with plentiful and limited demonstration candidates. Results show that UniICL effectively unifies $12 \times$ compression, demonstration selection, and response generation, efficiently scaling up the baseline from 4-shot to 64-shot ICL in IMDb with 24 GB CUDA allocation

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