Emergent Mind


Advanced AI systems with access to millions of research papers could inspire new research ideas that may not be conceived by humans alone. However, how interesting are these AI-generated ideas, and how can we improve their quality? Here, we introduce SciMuse, a system that uses an evolving knowledge graph built from more than 58 million scientific papers to generate personalized research ideas via an interface to GPT-4. We conducted a large-scale human evaluation with over 100 research group leaders from the Max Planck Society, who ranked more than 4,000 personalized research ideas based on their level of interest. This evaluation allows us to understand the relationships between scientific interest and the core properties of the knowledge graph. We find that data-efficient machine learning can predict research interest with high precision, allowing us to optimize the interest-level of generated research ideas. This work represents a step towards an artificial scientific muse that could catalyze unforeseen collaborations and suggest interesting avenues for scientists.

SciMuse generates a knowledge graph from 2.44 million paper abstracts to suggest ideas or collaborations using GPT-4.


  • The paper introduces 'SciMuse', a system designed to generate and evaluate personalized research ideas by combining a knowledge graph from a vast corpus of scientific literature and GPT-4, a large language model.

  • SciMuse identifies researchers' interests and generates research proposals using subgraphs personalized for each researcher; these proposals undergo iterative refinements for better quality.

  • The evaluation involving over 100 research group leaders revealed that less ubiquitous concepts and proposals from closely-related fields are more interesting; predictive modeling using knowledge graph features achieved promising results.

Generation and Human-Expert Evaluation of Interesting Research Ideas Using Knowledge Graphs and LLMs

The paper by Xuemei Gu and Mario Krenn presents "SciMuse"—a system devised to generate and evaluate personalized research ideas leveraging a knowledge graph created from an extensive corpus of scientific literature, alongside GPT-4, a state-of-the-art LLM. This work investigates the potential of AI to inspire novel scientific inquiries and facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations by extracting latent connections within the existing scientific literature.


Knowledge Graph Construction: The authors constructed a knowledge graph encompassing over 123,128 scientific concepts derived from titles and abstracts of approximately 2.44 million papers from arXiv, bioRxiv, ChemRxiv, and medRxiv. Using NLP tools, including RAKE and customized NLP techniques, these concepts were curated. The knowledge graph's edges were created based on co-occurrence of concepts within the titles or abstracts of more than 58 million scientific papers in the OpenAlex database.

Personalized Research Suggestions: SciMuse first identifies the research interests of target scientists by analyzing their recent publications. Utilizing subgraphs of the knowledge graph tailored to individual researchers' interests, GPT-4 is then prompted to generate research proposals based on selected concept pairs. The prompt and subsequent responses undergo iterative refinement for improvement.

Large-Scale Evaluation

The evaluation of SciMuse's generated ideas was conducted with over 100 research group leaders from the Max Planck Society, who assessed more than 4,000 personalized research ideas. This evaluation was crucial in assessing the interest-level and relevance of the AI-generated ideas from the perspective of experienced researchers.


Concept and Edge Analysis: The authors identified several knowledge graph features significantly correlated with the interest level of research suggestions. Notably, a negative correlation was found between the degree and PageRank of a concept and the evaluated interest level, indicating that less ubiquitous concepts are found more interesting. Semantic distance between researchers' fields was also a critical factor, with proposals from similar fields being rated higher.

Predictive Modeling: The authors trained a neural network using knowledge graph features to predict whether a research suggestion would be rated highly interesting (interest level ≥ 4). Using Monte Carlo cross-validation, the model achieved an AUC of the ROC curve of nearly 65%, and precision exceeding 65% for the top-N highest-interest suggestions, significantly outperforming random selection.


The practical implications of this research are extensive. The ability to predict highly interesting research ideas can lead to more efficient allocation of research funding and foster novel interdisciplinary collaborations. On a theoretical level, the work provides insights into the types of knowledge graph features that correlate with human interest, which can be instrumental in further advancing AI-based scholarly recommendation systems.

Future Developments

As LLMs like GPT-4, Gemini, and Claude continue to evolve, the precision and relevance of generated research ideas are expected to improve. Future work could focus on refining the knowledge graph, incorporating more sophisticated NLP tools, and enhancing the training techniques for better predictive performance. Moreover, integrating these methodologies into larger scientific institutions and funding agencies could transform how research directions are inspired and pursued, potentially leading to groundbreaking scientific discoveries.


The paper showcases a sophisticated approach to generating and evaluating research ideas using AI, combining the structural insights of knowledge graphs with the language generation capabilities of LLMs. The findings underscore the potential of AI to serve as an intellectual muse, facilitating innovative and cross-disciplinary research endeavors.

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