Emergent Mind

On Mesa-Optimization in Autoregressively Trained Transformers: Emergence and Capability

Published May 27, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.CL , and stat.ML


Autoregressively trained transformers have brought a profound revolution to the world, especially with their in-context learning (ICL) ability to address downstream tasks. Recently, several studies suggest that transformers learn a mesa-optimizer during autoregressive (AR) pretraining to implement ICL. Namely, the forward pass of the trained transformer is equivalent to optimizing an inner objective function in-context. However, whether the practical non-convex training dynamics will converge to the ideal mesa-optimizer is still unclear. Towards filling this gap, we investigate the non-convex dynamics of a one-layer linear causal self-attention model autoregressively trained by gradient flow, where the sequences are generated by an AR process $x{t+1} = W xt$. First, under a certain condition of data distribution, we prove that an autoregressively trained transformer learns $W$ by implementing one step of gradient descent to minimize an ordinary least squares (OLS) problem in-context. It then applies the learned $\widehat{W}$ for next-token prediction, thereby verifying the mesa-optimization hypothesis. Next, under the same data conditions, we explore the capability limitations of the obtained mesa-optimizer. We show that a stronger assumption related to the moments of data is the sufficient and necessary condition that the learned mesa-optimizer recovers the distribution. Besides, we conduct exploratory analyses beyond the first data condition and prove that generally, the trained transformer will not perform vanilla gradient descent for the OLS problem. Finally, our simulation results verify the theoretical results.

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