Emergent Mind

Kernel-based optimally weighted conformal prediction intervals

Published May 27, 2024 in cs.LG , math.ST , stat.ML , and stat.TH


Conformal prediction has been a popular distribution-free framework for uncertainty quantification. In this paper, we present a novel conformal prediction method for time-series, which we call Kernel-based Optimally Weighted Conformal Prediction Intervals (KOWCPI). Specifically, KOWCPI adapts the classic Reweighted Nadaraya-Watson (RNW) estimator for quantile regression on dependent data and learns optimal data-adaptive weights. Theoretically, we tackle the challenge of establishing a conditional coverage guarantee for non-exchangeable data under strong mixing conditions on the non-conformity scores. We demonstrate the superior performance of KOWCPI on real time-series against state-of-the-art methods, where KOWCPI achieves narrower confidence intervals without losing coverage.

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