Emergent Mind

ReCODE: Modeling Repeat Consumption with Neural ODE

Published May 26, 2024 in cs.IR and cs.AI


In real-world recommender systems, such as in the music domain, repeat consumption is a common phenomenon where users frequently listen to a small set of preferred songs or artists repeatedly. The key point of modeling repeat consumption is capturing the temporal patterns between a user's repeated consumption of the items. Existing studies often rely on heuristic assumptions, such as assuming an exponential distribution for the temporal gaps. However, due to the high complexity of real-world recommender systems, these pre-defined distributions may fail to capture the intricate dynamic user consumption patterns, leading to sub-optimal performance. Drawing inspiration from the flexibility of neural ordinary differential equations (ODE) in capturing the dynamics of complex systems, we propose ReCODE, a novel model-agnostic framework that utilizes neural ODE to model repeat consumption. ReCODE comprises two essential components: a user's static preference prediction module and the modeling of user dynamic repeat intention. By considering both immediate choices and historical consumption patterns, ReCODE offers comprehensive modeling of user preferences in the target context. Moreover, ReCODE seamlessly integrates with various existing recommendation models, including collaborative-based and sequential-based models, making it easily applicable in different scenarios. Experimental results on two real-world datasets consistently demonstrate that ReCODE significantly improves the performance of base models and outperforms other baseline methods.

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