Emergent Mind

SLoPe: Double-Pruned Sparse Plus Lazy Low-Rank Adapter Pretraining of LLMs

Published May 25, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.AI


We propose SLoPe, a Double-Pruned Sparse Plus Lazy Low-rank Adapter Pretraining method for LLMs that improves the accuracy of sparse LLMs while accelerating their pretraining and inference and reducing their memory footprint. Sparse pretraining of LLMs reduces the accuracy of the model, to overcome this, prior work uses dense models during fine-tuning. SLoPe improves the accuracy of sparsely pretrained models by adding low-rank adapters in the final 1% iterations of pretraining without adding significant overheads to the model pretraining and inference. In addition, SLoPe uses a double-pruned backward pass formulation that prunes the transposed weight matrix using N:M sparsity structures to enable an accelerated sparse backward pass. SLoPe accelerates the training and inference of models with billions of parameters up to $1.14\times$ and $1.34\times$ respectively (OPT-33B and OPT-66B) while reducing their memory usage by up to $0.77\times$ and $0.51\times$ for training and inference respectively.

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