Emergent Mind

Pessimistic Backward Policy for GFlowNets

Published May 25, 2024 in cs.LG


This paper studies Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets), which learn to sample objects proportionally to a given reward function through the trajectory of state transitions. In this work, we observe that GFlowNets tend to under-exploit the high-reward objects due to training on insufficient number of trajectories, which may lead to a large gap between the estimated flow and the (known) reward value. In response to this challenge, we propose a pessimistic backward policy for GFlowNets (PBP-GFN), which maximizes the observed flow to align closely with the true reward for the object. We extensively evaluate PBP-GFN across eight benchmarks, including hyper-grid environment, bag generation, structured set generation, molecular generation, and four RNA sequence generation tasks. In particular, PBP-GFN enhances the discovery of high-reward objects, maintains the diversity of the objects, and consistently outperforms existing methods.

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